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The Lord Is Moving Mountains

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m moving mountains. I’m moving the location of mountains. Where mountains once stood tall, proud, seemingly immovable and permanent, I Am moving them to new venues, new homes, new locations. I Am moving the mountains to the places of my favor, where My favor, glory and grace rest.

The Time of the New Mountains Is Calling

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am raising up mountains. I Am raising up new mountains. I Am shaking the earth and raising up brand new mountains. This is a time of tectonic change, and you will see new mountains emerge. The tops of My mountains will be sweet. They will be holy. They will be places of reverence, honor and the fear of the Lord. The tops of these mountains will be so sweet, and they will be weighty places of My Presence.

The Victory of Light Over Darkness

The Lord says, 
I Am blending up and mixing drinks of victory, drinks of nourishment, drinks of sweet, sweet celebration. In the tropics, the sunlight kisses your skin, and your skin has a reaction. Your skin bears witness that you have been in the light. So too will My people, who have been standing and dwelling in the secret place with Me, so too will those who have newly sought Me, so too will those who have an unexpected encounter with Me - all will bear witness.

Spring of True Freedom

The Lord says, 
I Am shining a bright light on the earth, into the hearts of men and women. It’s a light of exposure and a light of truth. I Am revealing people to themselves and I Am revealing the truth of Who I Am to them as well. This is a time of great revealing - revealing that leads to the dawning of revelation. They will see and know and understand both their own condition, and Who I Am. They will hunger to know Me. They will seek with great hunger for Me. And they will find Me. 

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