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Transitions to New On-Ramps Are Here

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m raising dreams from the dead. I’m lifting them from the ashes of death and defeat. Transitions are here. Transitions from transitions are here. This is an off-ramp that puts you on a new on-ramp. This is not a normal time, and things are not happening or progressing in the normal way.

Listen for the New Sound

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m playing a new song. I’m making a new sound. It will be a big departure from what you know, but once you let it get into your spirit, you will never look back for those old songs from former days. This is the season of the new song and the new sound, and it will bring life, joy, and it will conquer the enemy.

Walk As a Ruler, Not As the Ruled

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Walk as those who are rulers, not as the ruled. Walk as a free man. Walk as a free woman. Walk as one who dances through life. Walk as one who doesn’t know strife. Walk as one who has fun, whose feet march to the beat of their own drum, whose only master is the Lord God Most High. Walk like an Egyptian.

Truth Is Coming with a Sense of Humor and a Vengence

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
It’s resurrection time. It’s resurrection season. It’s time for new life to spring forth vigorously and bountifully. Scarcely have the seasons changed, and yet they change again. Before what is dying on the tree has time to drop, new life will spring up beside it. The quick change of seasons will be unexpected, will be disorienting, will be perplexing.

Follow the Lord’s Lead

The Lord says, 
Follow My joy. Follow My peace. Put your trust in Me. Put your hope in Me. Put all of your eggs in the basket that is marked, “My God will come through for me.” I never lie, I never lose, and I never fail. I’m not about to start now. We have entered the new days. We have left the season of bleak darkness, of wilderness and of the dry place.

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