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Keep Moving Forward

I heard the Spirit of the Living God of all Peace say, 
Challenges will come up. Challenges that fly in the face of what you’ve been told and what you’re expecting. But you can move forward in the weighty peace that I have given you. You can move forward in the grace that I have placed on your life. Don’t react. Don’t freak out. Just breathe, and pick one foot up and then the next.

The Lord’s Grace Is In the Middle of Every Place He’s Called You to Be

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say, 
Grace is in the middle. It’s where I Am. It’s in the middle of where I called you to be. It’s in the middle of the storm, the mess, the work, the chaos, the noise. My grace is there meeting you, flowing through you and surrounding you. My grace is for you. It cuts through the noise and enables you to hear My voice. It cuts through the choppy waters as a protected calm zone.

Enter & Remain In the Lord’s Zone of Perfect Peace

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Purity befits a king. The stillness is Mine. You can find Me in the stilllness. You can find Me in the silence. Mine is the peace that calms raging rivers and stops dams. My peace changes things. Create room for Me. Create a space where you can find Me in the silence, in the stillness, even in the dark. Mine is the Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Yet more shaking is coming. More shaking is here.

The White Silence Is a Cleansing Place, a Refuge from the Noise & a Portal to the Lord’s Presence

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
I’m sharpening your ears for hearing. These may seem like times of great silence from Me. My subtlety, My volume, My light touch is training your sensitivity to My Spirit. This is not to create a feeling or suggestion of distance. I Am not distant. This is a time to press in further. This is a time to sit and wait with expectation that you will indeed hear My voice, you will absolutely feel My touch and receive an answer on which way to go.

Live in Peace and Faith Amidst the Storm

The Spirit of the Living God of Truth says, 
Choose trust in the chaos. Choose trust in the confusion. Choose trust in the storm that surrounds. Trust in Me, and I will reside with you. Keep your trust, your belief burning like a flame. Be diligent to protect your flame from the winds of adversity, the winds of public opinion, the winds and torrents of stress and uncertainty.

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