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Run the Race of Your Resurrected Dream

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
This is a time to be in awe of My mysterious, miraculous moves. I’m entering through the back door of your past. I will turn messy pasts into testimonies of blessing. I Am turning things around — things that seemed hopeless, dead and gone, things that seemed to be put on a shelf and forgotten will suddenly sprout to beautiful, unexpected life, right in your midst — right in front of you.

Grace for the Race Is Here

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Grace, abundant grace — flowing like a river being poured out from heavenly storehouses. My grace for change is here. My grace for doing is here. My grace for running is here. My grace for grabbing the baton and starting a new race is here. I Am pouring out My abundant grace on the ones who have been planted, stuck and felt frozen in the wilderness.

The End of This Sprint Is Near

The Lord says, 
We are almost to the end of the last sprint of this race. Keep your head and your heart clear from clutter and from the storm. Keep them focused on Me. Hear Me as I coach you and wave you across the finish line. Ask Me for a strategy to move with efficiency, with ease and without obstacles. Ask Me for wisdom in how to operate. We are indeed in a time where wisdom is to be as innocent as doves but as shrewd as serpents.

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