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A Time of Explosive Change

The Lord says, 
I Am drawing people to their roots. I’m placing an unexpected yearning in the hearts of men and women to return to their roots, to their ancestral homeland, to their families. I Am restoring pride and love for hometowns. I Am making unexpected connections and lighting unexpected fires of desire in people’s hearts to be connected to home. Home is people, family. Home is also land and culture, language, faith, and a way of life. I Am imparting, seeding a fresh appreciation for home. When I give blessing, I do it without any sorrow added to it. (Proverbs 10:22)

A Great Spiritual Clash

The Lord says, 
The drumbeat is getting louder. The clash is getting more intense and more visible. The clash between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. These are the forces that are clashing in the spiritual realm, and it is playing out before your very eyes on the Earth in real time.

Spread Joy

Hearing comes from your heart. That is the wellspring of life that I speak to and from. You can feel the Joy of the Lord bubble up through your heart. It’s the place that peace spreads from. It’s the place that worship arises from. It’s a sacred place. Jesus has residence there. It’s up to you to keep your heart clean and pure. That’s what makes it inhabitable and allows for clear communication.

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