A Worthy Christmas Celebration & Gifts from Heaven
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us - God with you. Today marks the commemoration of His arrival to Earth wrapped in flesh — in the human body of a baby. He came to the Earth willingly to live among men, to be an example for all. He came to sacrifice, to be mocked and to become the once and for all sacrifice — the sinless, spotless lamb to take away the sins of the world.
Seek Jesus
The Lord says,
Love is rising and expanding. My love inside of you is shining out and touching the lives of those around you. My love is causing hope to rise. Even in the midst of great uncertainty and in this place of low visibility, hope is rising as a side effect of my love.
The Lord’s Lightning Resurrection
The Lord says,
Resurrection. I Am gunning for a resurrection. I Am moving in great speed, with explosive power for a resurrection. Heads will spin. Jaws will drop. TV personalities will faint and gasp and literally cry on air. It’s going to be hysterical. It will cause a stir.
The Lord Will Heal Our Land
The Lord says,
In order for the land to be healed, it must be plowed and turned over. It needs fresh exposure to the light of truth and the wind of My Spirit. The wind of My Spirit will be like oxygen to the land and its inhabitants. The light of truth will cause much awakening — a great awakening.
Resurrections, Harvests & Warrior-Builders
The Lord says,
Jesus is the Resurrected King. He is the Lord of the Resurrection and has dominion, power and the authority to call forth resurrections. He is the One, through the power of Holy Spirit, who is calling what’s dead to life now. Like He did with Lazarus, He’s calling your dreams, promises and hopes to come forth from dark tombs.
A Season of Many Resurrections
The Lord says,
I have victory over death. I have resurrection power. For those who know Me, for those who have been baptized by My Holy Spirit, the same power that raised Christ from the dead is alive and lives in you. This is a season of many resurrections.
Watch for the Rain of Refreshing
The Lord says,
I Am bringing the blissful rain of refreshing. It is coming in on a wind from the East, and it will touch many and refresh many. I Am healing and strengthening spines that have been bent over. They are being empowered for use.
Choose Purity and the Continual Renewal of Your Mind
The Lord says,
You are worthy of love. Your worth comes from your Maker. I made you, and you are as a priceless jewel to Me. Therefore, you have great value. You are worthy of love, because I made you. My heart spills forth with love for you.