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Wildfire Women

The Lord says, 
Resurrection. Those whom the enemy thinks he has silenced, those whom the enemy thinks he has taken out, those whom the enemy has hit hard and knocked flat on their backs, those who have had the life sucked out of them — I Am resurrecting. I Am reviving, and I Am bringing them back to glorious purpose-filled energetic life.

These Are Glory Days

The Lord says, 
Resurrection. Glorious new life. A new day unlike any day you have experienced. The early morning faith of a child that the new day will indeed be the most glorious day and then living the day and seeing that come true. Glory days. Like I told Manuel Johnson, we are walking into Glory Days not Gloomy Days.

Resurrection, Reaping and Launching

The Lord says, 
Resurrection. New life. New birth and resurrection from death. Resurrection from old life into new life. Happiness, excitement and joy springing up from the earth, from the very ground itself. Accelerated seed and accelerated harvest. 

What seemed dead and gone will suddenly and unexpectedly spring forth in brand new life, not as it was but unmistakably new, transformed, whole, alive, well and changed for good.

Sudden Scorching Victory

The Lord says, 
Resurrection joy. Resurrection peace. Resurrection power. Dominion. These are days of overcoming, of overtaking, of overwhelming the enemy. These are days of revoking his rights to the land. These are days of wrestling and defeating the forces of darkness.

The Justice Roundtable Has Convened

The Lord says, 
Dreams are being resurrected. I Am resurrecting dreams. Dreams are rising from the dead, from the grave. What seemed long past possible is happening. Resurrection life is springing forth. Joy is springing forth. Stunning new days that will shock and amaze the world are springing forth.

The Lord Is Waking Victory from Her Slumber

The Lord says, 
Resurrection, rejoicing and overcoming. Knockout punches, defeat for the enemy and a wild victory won. These are days of reigning. We are walking into days of reigning, of victory, of glory, of epic stories of how the Lord came through, of how I made a way where there was no way, of how victory was snatched from the grave and was awakened with a mighty roar.

The Jungle of Justice

The Lord says, 
Resurrection is here. Joy is here. Celebration and advancement are here. Bright days are here. New abundant life is springing forth. I Am causing beautiful life to spring forth in this desert place, in this wilderness, in this barren land.

The Lord Will End This War

The Lord says, 
Submit your worries and your cares to Me. Release your tight grip on them, on control, on stability and instead cling to Me. Hold on to Me, to truth, to My Word, My promises, My grace and the vision for the future I have planted in your heart. Hold onto these. Live in the present, in the moment and capture the beautiful moments of purity, of laughter, of joy that are here.

Keep Pushing

The Lord says, 
I’m stirring resurrection in the hearts of men and women. I’m stirring up expectation even in children. This is a look out on the horizon time, because My move is near and arriving. It is rolling in like a fearsome storm that causes all to run for cover. My glory and the hope of My mighty move are shining on and reflecting from the hearts of My lovers.

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