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Every Construct Made of Lies Will Be Demolished by Truth

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Truth is waiting in the wings. It’s waiting like wrecking balls pulled back on cranes, ready to take down the temples built of lies, ready to take down the structures built on lies, ready to take down every man- made construct build on lies. The truth is poised and ready to come in like a wrecking ball to these fortresses of lies and structures and constructs made of lies.

This Rescue Is for Keeps

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I’m going to guide My little children home. I’m taking them by the hand, and I’m guiding them back to My heart. They may not see it. They may not recognize it. Through cloudy eyes filled with tears and the broken hearts and grief that has overcome them, that has overwhelmed them, they may not see it. They may not recognize it. They may not feel it, but I Am taking them by then hand and guiding them back to My heart. I’m meeting them where they are and walking them to the place of personal encounter with Me.

Run to the Fountain

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I Am the fountain of life. Abandon your cares. Abandon your worries. Abandon all thought or concern of what people think of you. Don’t fear being called foolish for My Name’s sake. Don’t fear being laughed at because you love Me. I Am life. I Am love. I Am freedom.

Pursue the Romance of the Lord

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Pursue the romance of Me. Pursue the beauty and majesty, the purity and holiness that can only be found in Me. This is a wooing season, and I Am a wooing God. I desire the hearts of every man, woman, girl and boy. And My love is like a great magnet whose pull I Am amping up now and in the days to come. I will draw all men, women, boys and girls unto Myself.

This Year Will Be Marked by a Shaking and a Great Roller Coaster Ride

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient for change, for striking change. Striking change is coming to the world. Striking change is coming to hearts. Striking change is coming to eyes. Striking change will open ears. It will be that the shaking causes the doors of hearts to open. It will be that the shaking causes the scales and wrong lenses to fall from people’s eyes.

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