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Restoration & Awakening

The Lord says, 
Jesus. The primacy of Jesus. The essential nature of Jesus. He is the Word made flesh. He is the very breath of God. He is the answer for every problem. He has already overcome every evil, every sickness. Every work of the enemy has already been defeated by the finished work of Jesus on the cross and in His resurrection from the dead.

Winds of Change

The Lord says, My spring rain is starting. This is My spring rain for My spring and summer harvest. We think about fall being the season of harvest, but I Am always bringing forth a harvest - different harvests in different seasons. The harvest now is going to be a very sweet one, a very plentiful one. This harvest will weight down trucks, will bring much joy and celebration to the harvesters and to the people.

Two Springs

I desire joy and fulfillment for My children. I want to see them laugh and play again. I want to see them shake off the shackles of oppression, the weight, the heaviness, the seriousness of this world. I Am bringing freedom to restore joy. I long to see My children laughing and playing and shouting and singing and dancing for joy in My Presence. In My creation. In purity.

Breaking Barriers

I Am making a way, where there seems to be no way. I will turn mourning into dancing. I will do something so massive, so transformative, that I’m the only one who can. I’m about to do great wonders among you. Hold on, it’s going to be an unexpected and wild ride.

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