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The Lord Will Remove the Infected Splinter from America, the Resurrection Will Tarry

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
A resurrection is prepared. A resurrection is lying in wait. It appears to be dead, dormant and late. I will bring it forward in an instant. 

You have been living with an infected splinter that has been way beneath the surface, unreachable for too long. This infected splinter has been causing pain as you work, causing pain as you play. It has been there reminding you of the injury, of the moment, of the inability to find a remedy.

Change is Here

The Lord says, 
This is a season where I Am making the impossible happen, where I Am raising dead situations and dead dreams and dead desires, and I Am causing resurrections. I Am doing for the nation what many thought was impossible. I Am doing in your life - in your family, your health, your finances, in the deep desires of your heart - I Am moving in restoration and resurrection power. I Am shaking things up and bringing beauty from ashes. I Am bringing life where there was nothing.

Herald the Coming King

I was in prayer and I had this vision - I saw long trumpets. And then I saw a long line of trumpeters heralding the arrival of a king. The red carpet was being laid out and the procession was arriving. I heard a chant, "the king is here, the king is here."

Harvest of Hearts

An impact is coming. You can feel it in the atmosphere. It is coming and it will blindside many. Many have an inkling, know that things are not right, know that change is needed, have cried out in prayer for change. But many will not see it coming. And this impact will knock many off of their feet. It will be felt by all. It is My impact.

Consider the Chickens

Consider the chickens. They look like they are minding their business. But they always keep an eye out for what others around them are doing, what movements are being made. They are easily spooked, easily startled. And though they were born with wings, they can’t fly. They can just get high enough off the ground for a moment to save themselves.

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