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Undeniable Truth Will Emerge & Change Everything

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
Great grace is on truth in this hour. Truth will sprout like skyscrapers emerging from the ground. This is not the time for meek, nearly invisible truth. This is the time of truth that towers. Truth will tower over the people and over the earth in an undeniable way. Where things once seemed to be business as usual, large, tremendous, never seen before obstacles will come in the way.

Judgement for Babylon

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My heart is with the occupied. My heart is for the occupied, for those whose lives and land and wealth and ability to provide have been overrun by enemy occupiers. My heart is with the occupied. My heart is with those trying to scratch out a living while the occupiers grow richer and fatter off of the backs of the occupied.

This Year Will Be Marked by a Shaking and a Great Roller Coaster Ride

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
My grace is sufficient for change, for striking change. Striking change is coming to the world. Striking change is coming to hearts. Striking change is coming to eyes. Striking change will open ears. It will be that the shaking causes the doors of hearts to open. It will be that the shaking causes the scales and wrong lenses to fall from people’s eyes.

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