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The Lord Will Re-Wild the People

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The truth is in Joe Biden’s pudding. The man is in decline. You will see a very very rapid decline in his health. Looking at him is like looking at an hourglass whose time is almost up. Joe Biden will die in office. Hold the line. Don’t let go. The truth will find it’s way to the front of the crowd.

The Death Blow Will Not Stand

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m going to be the source of a rumble. A rumble in the spirit is coming. A rumble and a stir are being stirred up in the spirit. This is the war of the ages, the spirit war of the ages. This is a time when darkness believes that it has won. This is a war of luring the enemy into a false sense of security, a false sense of victory, and it will strike what feels like a crushing blow into the hearts and homes of many.

This is the Great Spirit War

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I have high prospects for having many who see from My perspective, who come and look out from this prospect, from My vantage point and can see the world from My perspective, can see from up higher. It’s time for up higher thinking and up higher viewing. It’s time for up higher planning and up higher doing.

The Days of Fire Require Fire

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am an all-consuming fire. And no man, no beast, no principality can extinguish the light of Me. You are the light of the world. I have placed My fire inside of you, inside of your heart. It’s time to stoke the fire. It’s time to turn up the heat. It’s time to burn with passion, with desire, with purity. It’s time for your fires to roar to a a blazing undeniable roar. I have called you My burning ones, so burn with passion.

The Anointing of Truth Is Blowing In On A Healing Breeze

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Just a day. Just a day of explosive narratives. Just a day of warfare of words. These days have become old hat. These days have become worn out. My grace is covering and flooding. My grace is pouring out truth as if cleansing a sticky tar-like oil spill in the fresh vibrant waters. My truth is healing the polluted waters. My truth is changing the frequency of the shrieking, polluted airwaves.

A Time of Great Holy Havoc Is Upon Us

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Change is incoming. Change is on it’s way — change that causes some to reverse course, change that brings sudden U-turns. If you didn’t know that My hand, My Spirit, My angelic forces were behind it, you might think that people have had sudden mental breaks. But the truth is My Spirit has broken through.

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