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Sweet Wilderness Time

The Lord says, 
I have called many of My warrior lovers out into the wilderness with Me. I have called them for this particular time, this particular season, and for My own very specific reasons. Many have not recognized that they are in this wilderness season because the terrain has been so unusual, the circumstances of the world surrounding them have been so unusual. This time has been so disorienting, that they haven’t even realized that I have drawn them out to the wilderness with Me.

Winds of Change

The Lord says, My spring rain is starting. This is My spring rain for My spring and summer harvest. We think about fall being the season of harvest, but I Am always bringing forth a harvest - different harvests in different seasons. The harvest now is going to be a very sweet one, a very plentiful one. This harvest will weight down trucks, will bring much joy and celebration to the harvesters and to the people.

Justice Days

I get the sense that the ongoing spiritual war being fought has reached a level of great intensity. It is causing great interference in thought lives and in the ability to hear the Lord clearly in this hour. It is critical to keep pushing, keep pressing, keep tuning in to the voice of the Lord and to not get confused or distracted or tricked by what we are hearing or even thinking in this time.

Know Your Season

The Lord says, I Am undefeated in all of history and future, I have never been beaten and never will be. I know the beginning from the end, and I have won. I have conquered every foe, every enemy. I Am not stressed. It’s in My heart to start performing miracles among you. I want you to be participants and catalysts and vessels for those miracles.

Consider the Chickens

Consider the chickens. They look like they are minding their business. But they always keep an eye out for what others around them are doing, what movements are being made. They are easily spooked, easily startled. And though they were born with wings, they can’t fly. They can just get high enough off the ground for a moment to save themselves.

It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride

The healing that is taking place in these broken ones, in these bruised and damaged ones is coming with, is infused with a rush of energy, and power, of vision and with a target in their sights. The healing is bringing new life and energy - that is far beyond the levels experienced - even before the damage occurred. This energy and power is fueled by humility and gratitude for the work I’ve done.

Moving to a New Era

The destiny of many is wrapped up in this season. The major events soon to take place will change the trajectory of many lives. They will bring new opportunities, new purpose and a completely different perspective to the lives of many. These will run after big callings and big dreams and big ideas. And they will be a blessing to the world.

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