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Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Lord says, 
Jesus is the lover of your soul. He loved you so much that He made a way for you when there was no way. He made a way to restore your right standing with Me. He wants your heart. He wants to walk with you and do life with you. Close any gap that remains between you and Jesus.

The Turnaround is Right Now!

The Lord says, 
Right now! I’m turning everything around. Right now! There’s no more waiting on tomorrow. Right now it’s My pleasure to bring the turnaround. My heart is filled with love and compassion for My people. My heart is filled with joy at the gift of the turnaround I Am bringing.

Identification with Jesus and the Preaching of the Pure Gospel

The Lord says, 
I Am ratcheting up the desire of the faithful ones, of the believers — for Jesus, for identification with Jesus. I Am intensifying their desire to know Him, to walk with Him, to learn about Him, to dig into the Scriptures. I Am causing the flame in their hearts to grow and burn hotter and hotter for Jesus. They will be filled with an insatiable hunger to know Him more, to abide with Him, to dwell in His Presence and to walk in purity, as it pleases Him.

Liberty is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am causing hope to rise. I Am causing the sounds of peace to increase and rise. Even now people are feeling the light of My exposure on their hearts, into the hidden places in their hearts and minds, and they desire to change. They desire to dump these burdens, these heartaches, their unforgiveness, and the lies that they have been believing. They long to dispose of these things and live in freedom.

The Flood of His Glory

The Lord says, 
I Am healing, I Am doing deep, permanent healing - healing of hearts and minds, healing that restores discernment between truth and lies, between fact and fiction, between right and wrong. I Am doing a deep deep work among the people. I Am stitching hearts back together. I Am restoring neural pathways and creating new ones. Minds are being healed, and they are becoming holy. Believers are are finally receiving, taking on the Mind of Christ that is their birthright as a son or daughter.

Flow with The Spirit

The Lord says, 
My heart is for freedom. It is not for confinement. It is not for the artificial boxing in of yourself with rules and strict regimens. Yes, there’s a place for discipline and a purpose for it. But remember too that I have created the days to serve you and not to be your master. The stress, the anxiety, the cares - how much of it is self-induced from self-made rules and schedules and expectations? I have come to give you life and to give it more abundantly - more abundantly than the way you are living - than what you are experiencing.

Clearing the Decks

The Lord says, 
Purity and innocence. I long to see My children return to a place of purity and innocence. I long for them to live in pure joy, with clean and open, unbroken, uncorrupted hearts; with eyes of wonder, full of faith; with minds filled with beautiful, worthy, clean things.

On the Right Track

The Lord says, 
I’m getting to work. The end of My patience has been reached. My cups of patience have gone dry. My heart of compassion and love for My people is moving, is expanding, is overwhelming. And My love, My move will overwhelm the wicked. My move will overcome the wicked. My move is like a wave crashing over the world. And it will cause many hearts to be changed and will cause many eyes to look up. It will cause many to exalt My Name. And it will cut off the wicked below the knees.

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