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Today’s Readings:
Romans 5
Psalm 111
Isaiah 51

5 Our faith in Jesus transfers God’s righteousness to us and he now declares us flawless in his eyes. This means we can now enjoy true and lasting peace with God, all because of what our Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, has done for us. 2 Our faith guarantees us permanent access into this marvelous kindness that has given us a perfect relationship with God. What incredible joy bursts forth within us as we keep on celebrating our hope of experiencing God’s glory!

Romans 5:1-2

The Lord says,
Many are looking for Me today. Many are desperate to have a touch of love, to touch the hem of the garments of the One who can change everything. They are hungry for purpose, for a revelation of identity and for rescue from their condition.

5 He satisfies all who love and trust him,
and he keeps every promise he makes.

Psalm 111:5

To those who will diligently seek Me, I will hold nothing back. They will find Me, and in doing so, they will get their heart’s desire. Be one who points these hungry and thirsty seekers to Me. Re-energize and reanimate your own spirit as you retell these seekers stories of My faithfulness and the blessed assurance you have found in Me. Tell them how to find Me.

Walk them directly into My Presence and make the introduction. Broker the very desire of their hearts which is full transference of guilt, the full relief of their burdens, the full knowledge of the Savior, and the receipt of a flood of relief, of joy, of security and relationship with the One who paid it all. Tell them how to find Me. They long to be touched by true power. They desire, though they may not have words for it, to be plunged under the fire of My Spirit. Tell them how to find Me.

9 His forever-love paid a full ransom for his people
so that now we’re free to come before Yahweh
to worship his holy and awesome name!

Psalm 111:9

Once they meet Me, once they offload all that made them broken and bruised and guilt stained and weary, once they leave these at the feet of the Cross and exchange them for freedom, for righteousness, for a clean slate and a future of bright and endless possibilities, once they can see their purpose in Me, they will never want to go back. The freedom is too wonderful, the release from guilt and the bondage of sin, too marvelous to explain. These once broken vessels have been made new, are recast in perfection and stand as beautiful purpose-filled vessels ready for service, for adventure, for worship, for thanksgiving and to spread the good news — the beyond good news — of freedom in Jesus. Tell them how to find Me.

Do it again!
Those Yahweh has set free
will return to Zion and come celebrating with songs of joy!
They will be crowned with never-ending joy!
Gladness and joy will overwhelm them;
despair and depression will disappear!

Isaiah 51:11

Help them to find relief in Me. Help them to reach their potential and their road to destiny in Me. The ripple effect of their lives being changed will be tremendous. Many more will be changed, delivered, healed, restored and filled with the love of Christ and a deep desire to share the good news of their story of freedom and all that Christ has done and made available. So tell them how to find Me.

Walk them to My Presence. Kneel with them at My feet and bear witness to the miracle of My supernatural transference. Bear witness to My gift of removing sin and guilt and replacing them with righteousness and purity, removing the stain of death and replacing it with a life of bright hope. Removing the chains that bound them in defeat and replacing them with wide open beautiful uncontainable freedom in Me. Be the one who tells them how to find Me.

How to Respond

  • Remind yourself of your own testimony of salvation.
  • Recount the Lord’s faithfulness in your life.
  • Meditate on His faithfulness.
  • Ask the Lord to highlight people in your life who are looking for Him and to give you the words and opportunity to make an introduction for them to Jesus. It should feel a lot like introducing them to your very best friend – the One who offers so much more than we can think or imagine.
  • Carry a spirit of worship in your heart.
  • Ask for eyes to see the Lord’s hand at work in your life and in the people around you.


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