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Today’s Readings:
Song of Solomon 1-2

8 “Listen! My beloved!
Behold, he is coming,
Climbing on the mountains,
Leaping on the hills!
9 “My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag.
Behold, he is standing behind our wall,
He is looking through the windows,
He is peering through the lattice.
“My beloved responded and said to me,
‘Arise, my darling, my beautiful one,
And come along.
11 ‘For behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
12 ‘The flowers have already appeared in the land;
The time has arrived for pruning the vines,
And the voice of the turtledove has been heard in our land.

Song of Solomon 2:8-12

The Lord says,
Be in a continual state of worship. Live with an ongoing awareness of My Presence and My active role in your life, your day, your world. Treasure me. Treasure My Presence, My voice, My nearness. Recognize the signs and effects of My Presence — encouragement, joy, fresh ideas, clarity of thought, a piercing level of understanding, revelation and boldness. These are all evidences of My Presence.

4 “He has brought me to his banquet hall,
And his banner over me is love.
5 “Sustain me with raisin cakes,
Refresh me with apples,
Because I am lovesick.
6 “Let his left hand be under my head
And his right hand embrace me.”

Song of Solomon 2:4-6

Worship, praise and make a determination to continually turn your heart to Me throughout the day, and I will come in greater measure. I will fill your life with more evidence of My Presence. I will fill your life, your home, your world with My Presence the more you delight in Me, the more you desire Me, the more you seek and pursue Me. The more you invite Me, the more I will come. I will dwell, and I will cause beautiful and delightsome things to happen in your heart, your mind, your life.

1 The Song of Songs, which is Solomon’s.
“May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!
For your love is better than wine.
3 “Your oils have a pleasing fragrance,
Your name is like purified oil;
Therefore the maidens love you.
4 “Draw me after you and let us run together!
The king has brought me into his chambers.”
“We will rejoice in you and be glad;
We will extol your love more than wine.
Rightly do they love you.”

Song of Solomon 1:1-4

Ours is intended to be the communion of lovers. We are to abide as ones who desire and delight in one another, whose presence feeds the hunger of one another, whose chief longing above all else is to be together — to sit, to talk, to daydream, to adventure, to pursue life with vigor together. It’s about togetherness. It’s about mutual desire. It’s about putting lesser things aside and saying, You are the one I want. You are the one My heart longs for. Because with that comes all of the gifts of Presence. So delight in Me. Celebrate with Me. Dance because of Me. Live a life of vibrant hope, expectation and joy in Me and with Me. I Am THE greatest treasure, and you are Mine.

14 “O my dove, in the clefts of the rock,
In the secret place of the steep pathway,
Let me see your form,
Let me hear your voice;
For your voice is sweet,
And your form is lovely.”
“Catch the foxes for us,
The little foxes that are ruining the vineyards,
While our vineyards are in blossom.”
“My beloved is mine, and I am his;
He pastures his flock among the lilies.

Song of Solomon 2:14-16

Come. Lay your burdens down, and put on the garments of a lover. Put on the garments of praise. Cultivate the heart and sight and hearing of a lover with great desire. Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you. Come.

How to Respond

  • Examine your heart and life. Determine to rearrange your priorities until Jesus is first. What things need removing altogether? What things need to be shuffled to the bottom?
  • Pray, Lord, I exalt You in my life above all else. I desire to dwell in Your courts all of my days. You are the one my heart longs for. You are most welcome Holy Spirit. Come. Come in greater measure in my life. Fill my day. Help me to live with a continual awareness of Your Presence. Come.
  • Declare, the Lord God Most High reigns eternal. He reigns in my heart and my life as well. All else must bow to the Name of Jesus.
  • Decree, the Lord is stirring up His lovers, and His lovers are responding by reprioritizing their lives. His lovers are rising up as a remnant of those whose eyes and hearts are only for the Lord. His lovers are welcoming Him, pursuing Him, inviting Holy Spirit to invade their lives, hearts, homes, minds and world in increasing measure. The whole world will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord in my day.


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