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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 91
1 John 3-5
Isaiah 61

18–19 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, and he has anointed me to be hope for the poor, healing for the brokenhearted, and new eyes for the blind, and to preach to prisoners, ‘You are set free!’ I have come to share the message of Jubilee, for the time of God’s great acceptance has begun.”

Luke 4:18-19

It’s Time to Fight

The Lord says,
I Am your Rescuer. I Am your Great Rescue Story. Things look so bleak. The storm is raging all around you. Hold on to Me, and stay in perfect peace. I have made a way for you to live in perfect peace, to be the calm in the midst of the storm, to be the calm that others experience in the midst of the storm. I do not impart just an internal peace, but a radiating peace that affects others. Be peace.

I Am waking people up. The chaos and the dissonance has a fear agenda, has a control agenda. But My agenda is different. My agenda is for people to be woken up — to move from a place of apathy, compliance and inaction to a place of life, of advancing, of redemption in Christ and fighting for the future. I Am waking people up. We are in the final hour of the storm. It seems long. It seems unbearable, but hang on. Stand firm. Don’t back up. Don’t back down. I have no place for cowards. I have not made you cowards. I have made you warriors. Bravehearted ones. Be bold. Be courageous. Stand and fight.

Fight for truth, for justice, for liberty, for the children. This is not a fight against flesh and blood. It is a fight against principalities, powers and rulers of darkness of this age.

Fight with your words. Say no to advancing evil. Don’t back up.

Fight with your declarations. Declare that I have won the victory. Declare that evil is defeated. Declare that this is the day that the Lord has made, and that you will rejoice and be glad in it.

Fight with your involvement. Stop letting weak willed people hold places of influence that impact your life. It’s time to move these loafs out of the way and put warriors with backbones of iron in their place.

Corruption must go, and I will bring a great cleansing. But do your part. Raise a ruckus. Call things out for what they are. Don’t allow lies to stand. Don’t allow liars a free pass any longer. Use your voice. It is rusty from lack of use. Use it. Demand answers. Demand truth. Demand an end to the nonsense.

You Are Victorious Warriors

The Lord says,
You are to be My sheep, but no one else’s. As far as everyone else is concerned, you are fierce and mighty warriors, not to be trifled with. Put your armor on. Stand tall. Advance with ferocity. The gates of hell will not prevail against you – mighty, united, fierce and pure. I have your back, and I go before you. Run out into the battle.

I will be the testimony on your lips. When the storm clears, when the dust settles, when the noise stops. I will be the testimony and the song on your lips. It will be a song of rescue, of freedom, of overcoming. It will be a victory song of great and uncontainable joy. Hold on. We are in the final hour of this battle.

Truth Missions Are Underway

The Lord says,
I Am running many missions. I am making large deposits of truth in many places across the country. Truth is rising. It is piling up, and it must be answered. It must be acknowledged. I Am piling the truth so high that it can not be ignored or dismissed. Many — the weak and the corrupt alike — will cower before the towering growing truth placed before them, and the lies and the corruption and the sleights of hand will all be exposed and bow to the truth.

Watch these deposits of truth as they land on desks in many cities in full view of the public. Watch the scrambling. Watch the instinct to lie, to cover up, to hide. They will submit and bow to the truth. That is what I Am doing in this hour. So use your voice. Demand truth. Demand answers. Remind these officials of the order of governance. They are public servants. Not public overlords. I Alone Am the Lord your God. They cannot lord over you. That’s how we built this country. That is the foundation upon which it was established — servant leadership. If they are being neither a servant nor a leader, they must go. Use your voice and your power — the power of a citizen and more importantly your authority as a child of the Most High God — to push them out.

How to Respond

  • Declare that the Lord is moving in power to rescue.
  • Ask the Lord where and how He is calling you to fight.
  • Ask Him which battle is yours.
  • Declare that victory already belongs to the Lord.
  • Declare that the Lord and His truth will prevail over evil, over lies and over corruption.
  • Pray for the Lord to raise up true servant leaders to govern from a place of humility, truth and justice.


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