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The Lord says,

Revival and restoration are on My heart. Bringing the spiritually dead back to life is on My heart. Many who think they know Me, will have a fresh introduction, a fresh revelation of who I AM. They will see and recognize that I AM good. I AM goodness personified. And that I AM Love.

Love exists because I AM. Eyes will see Me in a fresh new way. Hearts will be mended and healed. And this revelation of My Goodness will be uncontainable. It will spread like wildfire. Families and communities will be changed by it. It will be a very personal and very corporate movement. It will be as corporate as the coronavirus. It will be something strangers will be speaking about in the grocery store. Because they can’t contain it. They can’t keep My goodness to themselves. They can’t keep quiet about it.

It will set the world on fire with excitement and life and humility. It will usher in a season of wild wild worship, revival and grace for one another. It will be a foretaste of Heaven. Worship and concerts and gatherings will happen outside, late into the night. People won’t want, won’t be able to leave My Presence. My Glory will fall thick among them.

The Lord says,

I’m shining on the earth and releasing gladness in the hearts of My people. My Presence is welling up inside of them and will spill out on those around them – those ones who are not expecting it, will find themselves having an appointment with Me. And what an appointment it will be! Glorious and joyful. Life changing, vision altering. 180s for many. Total life changes for many. Big big directional changes for many.

And they will be full of joy. And they will weep and dance and rejoice because they have met Me and they know Me, and I changed their lives forever. The ones who told their whole life stories on social media. The ones who broadcasted and advertised for products and restaurants and diets and workouts – these will be My microphones, megaphones, amplifiers of the Good News. They will be My influencers. They will reach a generation. They will be among those who reach a generation.

Many styles of evangelism will rise. And all will be welcome by a dry and thirsty people. There will be resistance in some quarters and hesitation. But My Glorious Awakening is breaking chains and freeing minds, and opening eyes and ears. The old false narrative of that dirtbag satan is dry and tired and accomplishes nothing. They will see. They will forget their former ways. They will no longer trust the lies that don’t deliver. The beliefs that led to despair and spiritual drought. No, they will want what is alive and working in the earth. They are waking up. Wake up, wake up My Bride. Wake up, wake up , My People. Wake up, wake up, My little ones.

The tide has turned, the tidal wave is here. And My sun is shining brightly on the earth. The seeds sown by the faithful are are finally starting to sprout after a long very hard winter of many many seasons. This crop will be hearty, for it was tenderly sown with tears and care. And the harvest will be great and beyond plentiful. It will be an all hands on deck, get your neighbors, call your friends and your cousins Harvest.

And Harvest nights will be ones of communion, laughter rejoicing, and drinking the new wine. These are the greatest days. You will love these days. You won’t believe your eyes. But your hearts will overflow with gladness, and praise and thanksgiving. Beyond your wildest imagination. And the chorus will be Hallelujah.

How to Respond

• Prophesy over the fields for the harvest. Prophesy springtime.
• Prophesy sprouting of new life.
• Prophesy cross pollination and the buzz and chirping of new life.
• Prophesy spring rains and worship and healing.
• Declare that the ground is prepared. The seeds are sown. It is time to start seeing signs of new life.
• It is time to rejoice in anticipation of My move and the harvest to come.
• It’s time to get your tools and your storehouses ready.
• Sharpen up. Be prepared. Strengthen yourself in Me so you are ready for the Greatest Show on Earth.


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