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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 36
Ephesians 3:14-21
Isaiah 11-12

6 Your righteousness is unmovable,
just like the mighty mountains.
Your judgments are as full of wisdom
as the oceans are full of water.
Your tender care and kindness leave no one forgotten,
not a man or even a mouse.
7 O God, how extravagant is your cherishing love!
All mankind can find a hiding place
under the shadow of your wings.
8 All may drink of the anointing from the abundance of your house.
All may drink their fill from the rivers of Eden.
9 The fountain of life flows from you to satisfy me.
In your light of holiness we receive the light of revelation.

Psalm 36:6-9

He is Faithful & Available

The Lord says,
I Am faithful, higher than the mountains and perfect in all My ways. Whom or what should you fear? Fear the Lord your God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Your first priority is Me. Your first priority must be Me. Because I order all of the rest. I bring order. I bring wisdom. Your greatest concern should be how you look in My eyes. They eyes of men are faulty and fickle. My vision is perfect, and it knows no end. I hold your future in My hands. Whom or what should you fear? Your aim and the deepest desire of your heart should be for Me, intimacy with Me, relationship with Me and to see as I see.

Men and women, boys and girls who are seeking My Face will find it. I Am not hiding myself in this hour. I Am very available, and I Am giving of My wisdom freely. Come to Me. Come to the fountain. Drink and be satisfied. Drink the drink of new revelation. Drink the drink of insight and personal direction. As you fill yourself with Me, with My ways, with the truth of My character and limitlessness, You will feel your breath slow down. You will feel your shoulders relax. You will feel your teeth unclench and the tightness in your belly soothed. Drinking and eating of Me, of My Word, of My timeless changeless truths is the key to unlocking peace, wisdom and direction.

Choose to live in the light of My countenance. Choose to celebrate small victories. Choose to rest in My goodness. Choose to believe that My perfect plan is playing out, and I will bring you through safely to the other side.

Hold on to Him in the Storm

The Lord says,
The storm is still raging. The downpour is relentless and the waves continue to crash. But rest in Me. Trust in Me
. Hold on to Me. There is light just beyond the clouds. Though the storm continues to rage, I Am still God. I Am still sovereign. And You are still Mine. Rest in Me dear one. You don’t have to have it all figured out. Take the step I give you, and rest until I give you the next one. This is a time that is stretching your faith, building your trust and expanding your understanding of what is possible in Me. Yours is to take one step at a time, as I instruct. That’s all. Hold My Hand. We’ll do it together. Listen to My timing. Listen to My tone. There will be moments that require a fierce and forceful approach and some that call for the position of a humble child. Listen closely.

A New Day is Coming

The Lord says,
There will be peace on the plains. There will be amber waves of grain. There will be purple mountains and unity again. The present storm will not last forever. I Am restoring to you a land of milk and honey. I Am birthing in you a pioneer spirit, a spirit of rebellion against tyranny and evil, and a fierce allegiance to the Lord God Most High. I Am bringing a new Day of Independence, a new Day of Freedom, a new day of My City on a Hill being restored to it’s rightful place and into rightful order again.

Hold on. Keep your head above the waves. The light is nearly breaking through the storm and the clouds.

How to Respond

  • Carve out extra time for worship, for prayer, for reading the Word and for sitting in the Presence of the Lord. This is where you will find peace, wisdom and instruction.
  • Ensure that the one whose opinion you care the most about is the Lord’s. Men are fallible. He is not.
  • Don’t try to figure it all out. Take one step at a time when He instructs, in the way He instructs.
  • Declare that a new day of freedom is dawning.
  • Declare that the Lord is restoring truth, righteousness and justice to America.
  • Declare that the Lord is returning America to her rightful place in Him.
  • Declare that the Lord has a plan for you and your family, and He will safely guide you to the other side of this storm.


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