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Today’s Reading:
Isaiah 27

In that day, the Lord Yahweh will mercilessly wield his massive, mighty sword and punish Leviathan, the swift, slithering serpent. He will slay the dragon of the sea — Leviathan, the twisting serpent.

Isaiah‬ ‭27‬:‭1‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God of Israel says,
I’m taking you back to Camelot. Ancient spirits are opposing truth, are opposing unity, are opposing freedom. But I will cut off the head of that snake, Leviathan. I oppose those who oppose My people, my plans, My purposes and My future for the world. This ancient spirit has clouded vision, has lied, twisted and deceived the hearts and minds of many. This ancient spirit has tried to choke the life out of family, out of the ones who speak the truth, out of honor and nobility. This spirit has warped minds, his darkened minds and hearts, has brought base thinking and dulled logic and instincts to the ones whose hearts and minds were not protected. He has pressurized and persecuted and tried to choke the life out of the ones who have stood and withstood. He has taken some out completely. We have been at war for a lot longer than many realize, but I Am exposing this disgusting spirit. I Am exposing this ancient terrorizing, oppressive spirit Leviathan. I will lop off his head. And all of My people will be released.

In that day, they will sing the song “The Vineyard of Delight.” “I, the Lord, watch over my vineyard of delight. Moment by moment, I water it in love and protect it day and night. There is no anger in me, for if I found briars and thorns I would burn them up and march to battle against them.

Isaiah‬ ‭27‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I Am breaking the reign of terror. I Am breaking the oppression, the domineering, the insidious lies and the twisted logic. I Am breaking it all. And My people and all of the people under the influence, control and pressure of this beastly ancient spirit shall be released. It will be like a great haze has cleared from people’s vision. It will be like clean air can be breathed again, and minds can turn properly again, hearts can beat freely again without the pressure and constriction of this destructive, constricting beastly ancient spirit. And a peace will settle on the people, on the Earth that has been missing for many.

So let the branches cling to my protection when they make true peace with me. Yes, let them make me their friend.” The coming ones of Jacob’s tribes will take root. Israel’s branches will bud and blossom, and her beautiful fruit will cover the face of the earth.

Isaiah‬ ‭27‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

My people will be free to think, free to understand, free to see, to hear, to sing, to dance, to laugh, to worship and to live in pursuit of the purpose and calling I have imprinted on their hearts. The end of Leviathan is near. He has impacted every kind of input. I’m cutting him off from the food supply as well. My people shall be released. All of My people shall be released.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Holy Spirit come and do as You have said. We long for Your Presence Lord, and we long for the freedom that only You can bring. Set us free from our oppressors, and set the many who do not know You yet free as well. Break the spell of the deceiver and open the eyes, minds, ears and hearts of those who have been drawn into his lies, oppressed by his darkness and rendered unable to think or see things clearly. Cut off the head of this ancient demonic spirit and set all of Your people wonderfully and fully free.
  • Declare, In that day, the Lord will take His great, sharp and mighty sword and cut off the head of Leviathan. He whom the Lord sets free is free indeed.
  • Decree, I will walk in freedom from the oppression and constriction of this ancient demonic spirit that has taken so many captive and rendered so many people unable to see or fulfill their God-given destiny. I will see and experience this new level of freedom. I will see many, many, many come into their right minds and live in freedom because of the hand and the love of the Lord God Almighty — the only One who sets men free.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: This Is the River of Your Crossing
2022: Soon It Will Be Game Over for the Losers
2021: It’s Time to Learn to Love Again


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