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Today’s Readings:
Luke 10:2-4
Psalm 107
Isaiah 51-52:12
John 17:1-26

20 “And I ask not only for these disciples,
but also for all those who will one day
believe in me through their message.
21 I pray for them all to be joined together as one
even as you and I, Father, are joined together as one.
I pray for them to become one with us
so that the world will recognize that you sent me.
22 For the very glory you have given to me I have given them
so that they will be joined together as one
and experience the same unity that we enjoy.
23 You live fully in me and now I live fully in them
so that they will experience perfect unity,
and the world will be convinced that you have sent me,
for they will see that you love each one of them
with the same passionate love that you have for me.

John 17:20-23

Burning Ones

The Lord says,
I Am stirring up hearts today. I Am stirring up hearts of those who barely know Me, of those who only know My Name. I Am stirring up a deep, sudden passion and desire for Me. I Am stirring up desire for Me — for Who I Am — not what I can do. I Am stirring up this desire, and many will be swept off of their feet immediately with a burning passion and desire for Me. Many will be filled with love and certainty. Many will put their lives in My hands without hesitation, concern or doubt. This is the kind of desire I Am stirring up — life altering desire for Me – to know Me, to be joined to Me, to be in intimate relationship with Me. This is what I Am doing.

As these individual fires light and burn with passion, their passion for Me and the expression of My Presence on these newly burning ones will cause fire and passion to spread like wildfire. This passion will not be a short term one. It will not burn out quickly. No, it will grow hotter and hotter over time. As knowledge of Me increases and deepens, as relationship with Me becomes more intimate and real, the fires will burn hotter. The reaction, the instinctive response of these burning ones will be purity. This burning fire of passion will cause the things of old to burn up. The things that no longer serve, the impure actions, motives and mindsets — these will burn up in the fire of passion for Me. This will be known as a holiness movement. This will be known as a purity movement. This will be known as a time of great repentance and change in culture. Values will shift in a short period of time. Tolerance for evil will end.

These new lovers, these burning ones will be action-oriented. They will charge the gates of hell at every opportunity, at every level and place of society. They will charge the gates of hell with battering rams and with a holy fire. They will charge the gates of hell with eyes white with burning passion and purity. They will charge the gates of hell with worship.

The purity of worship in this season will be like no other time in history. It will be a beautiful incense to Me. It will rise up to Me. It will surround Me and fill Me even as I surround and fill you. And it will cause hell to to flee. It will cause hell to shriek and run. It will clear the scene, and there will be many reasons for great celebration. But the greatest of all is Love, the greatest of all is Me.

Communion and Oneness with The Godhead

The Lord says,
This is a period where My people, these burning ones will enter into a John 17 reality of communion and oneness with Me, with the Godhead, the Trinity.
They will love Us as we love Each Other and as We love them. There will be a great wholeness and a great flow of love and unity within the Body of Christ and between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit such has not been revealed or experienced at scale before. Even now the revelation of this union — of this vine and branches circular union is being revealed in greater measure, though greater and greater measure of this revelation will be poured out. This is the next revelation. This is the greatest of revelations since the revelation of Christ Jesus Himself. This is a latter days revelation, and I have saved it until now. I have reserved it for the Glorious Days, for this latter days’ Great Awakening.

Even now hearts are perking up and bending toward My voice. Those far and those near are being drawn, and I Am smiling on this because you have no idea what’s coming. None of you know what’s coming — though some will experience bigger surprise than others. This is the smugness of a father before revealing a great surprise. That’s how I’m feeling right now.

The Great Harvest

The Lord says,
The fields are indeed white for the harvest. And like the the famous white dinner parties (diner en blanc), there will be dancing and drinking and eating and great celebrations even in the middle of the harvest fields. Pray to the Lord of the Harvests, that He sends more workers. The harvest will ripen quickly, and it will require many agile hands. It will require many eyes filled with love and wonder for Me and for the miracles up on miracles I Am accomplishing in your day.

Many great announcements and major changes will happen and will be announced over the harvest fields. It will be important to listen and harvest simultaneously. First and foremost keep your eyes on Me and keep your ears attuned to My voice. This will help you keep your priorities straight in a time where there is more work than available hands.

How to Respond

  • Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be surging with energy and strength infused from time in the Lord’s Presence.
  • Take time to sing, dance, worship and celebrate. The Lord is the Author of life. He loves for you to celebrate the life He has given you and the good pure things of this world.
  • Declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
  • Declare the faithfulness of the Lord.
  • Declare that the Lord is setting fire to hearts across the world and that includes your family and friends who are far from Him.
  • Stir up joy in your heart, and live with a the knowledge of the hand of the Lord’s favor resting upon you.


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