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Today’s Readings:
Jeremiah 51
Psalm 144-147

17 The Lord is righteous in everything he does;
he is filled with kindness.
18 The Lord is close to all who call on him,
yes, to all who call on him in truth.
19 He grants the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cries for help and rescues them.

Psalm 145:17-19

The Lord says,
Triumph. You will see triumph. You will experience great triumph. You will see and take part in great victory parades. You will see as they all march on the side of right. You will be celebrating and looking at compound victories. You will see victories happen so closely together, in such rapid succession, it’s like they bump up against one another. They are separate victories, but they closely touch one another. They will be distinct but part of the great overall victory lineup.

12 Glorify the Lord, O Jerusalem!
Praise your God, O Zion!
13 For he has strengthened the bars of your gates
and blessed your children within your walls.
14 He sends peace across your nation
and satisfies your hunger with the finest wheat.

Psalm 147:12-14

You will see victories for freedom, victories for truth, victories for righteousness, for morality and victories for individual rights to self- protection. These victories will cause America to feel, to have the same atmosphere and quality as she did at first upon her establishment. She will feel free.

These victories are for American Greatness, because of the hearts and desires of My people and because of My great mercy and purpose for this beautiful land. I have set America apart for a purpose — for My purpose to be a city on a hill, to be a beacon for freedom, to be a great light that reflects My truth, My glory, My goodness and My great receiving of the people. America will rise again in victory, in purity, in strength and in righteousness. She will rise in humility, in diplomacy, in truth and in grace.

5 For the Lord of Heaven’s Armies
has not abandoned Israel and Judah.
He is still their God,
even though their land was filled with sin
against the Holy One of Israel.”

Jeremiah 51:5

America will experience great exposures and uncovering of her own before the world. Evil within her borders will be revealed to the horror of many. But these evils will be revealed in order to be conquered and flushed out. Justice will return to America the Beautiful; and she will regain her footing as a nation, as a leader and as a light. The outcome will be tremendous personal and corporate celebrations at the return of the nation that has been missing in action for so long, the return of the nation that many mistakenly thought they already lived in.

Truth will be central to the revival of America the Great and Beautiful. Truth will be central, vital and non-negotiable. Truth will rise at the center of the re-establishment of the nation, at the center of town squares and at the center of all forward operations. Truth will be a pillar, a guidepost and an anchor to take the new Great and Beautiful America forward.

6 Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue;
I will proclaim your greatness.
7 Everyone will share the story of your wonderful goodness;
they will sing with joy about your righteousness.

Psalm 145:6-7

New songs will be written. New ballads and new anthems will be sung. Righteous pride and hope-filled eyes will swell within the people. We are walking into days of compound miracles, compound triumphs and compound victories. It will cause the earth and the current faulty foundations to shake and crumble. But it will cause the true America to break forth from her chains and slumber. She will emerge, and she will rise. She will shine. It might get loud.

How to Respond

  • Worship the Lord for His goodness, His graciousness and for His wonderful faithfulness.
  • Live in expectation and gratitude for God’s move to bring victory and restoration of righteousness to America.
  • Declare, the Lord is exposing evil in America and is restoring her to first principles and foundational truths.
  • Declare, we will see and experience many compound victories, many celebrations and a great tide turning back to what is right, true and just in America.
  • Declare, nothing can stop the Lord’s plan for this nation when His people who are called by His Name humble themselves and pray in alignment with His will.
  • Let the song below fill you with hope and become an anthem for what we are about to witness.


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