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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 145

”You’re kind and tenderhearted to those who don’t deserve it and very patient with people who fail you. Your love is like a flooding river overflowing its banks with kindness. God, everyone sees your goodness, for your tender love is blended into everything you do. Everything you have made will praise you, fulfilling its purpose. And all your godly ones will be found bowing before you. They will tell the world of the lavish splendor of your kingdom and preach about your limitless power. They will demonstrate for all to see your miracles of might and reveal the glorious majesty of your kingdom.“

Psalms‬ ‭145‬:‭8‬-‭12‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
Be holy as I am holy. Be ones who live set apart for Me, in Me and through Me — because of Me. Choices are coming fast. Remain in Me. Choices will seem to come so quickly as if they are buzzing by your head one after the next. Remain in Me. I will show you which ones to grab. I will show you which ones to let pass by, and I will show you which ones to bat down and flatly reject. This is a time to expand your net. Ensure that you have an enough room, because I Am guiding you to a big catch. WE WILL FILL YOUR NET.

”You are the Lord who reigns over your never-ending kingdom through all the ages of time and eternity! You are faithful to fulfill every promise you’ve made. You manifest yourself as kindness in all you do. Weak and feeble ones you will sustain. Those bent over with burdens of shame you will lift up. You have captured our attention and the eyes of all look to you. You give what they hunger for at just the right time. When you open your generous hand, it’s full of blessings, satisfying the longings of every living thing.“

Psalms‬ ‭145‬:‭13‬-‭16‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Don’t be caught out with a small net. Don’t be one with small expectations. Make sure you take your expectations and then stretch them. Make it so the net of your expectations requires more than one person to carry it — even empty. That’s the kind of net I’m looking to fill to the overflow. Those are the kind of expectations the sons and daughters of the King have. Don’t have a pauper’s mindset. Expect expansion. Expect overflow. Expect more than enough. Expect an outrageous return. This is that time. Those days are now. They are here and no longer coming but here. If you look out to the horizon, you will miss them. They are right in front of your face. It’s time to begin to catch and catch onto the blessings, answers, graces and gifts that I Am pouring out and lavishly sending into your life.

Just as with a big catch of fish, you will want to make sure that you only take in the good fish. Only the good gifts are from Me, but the enemy loves to confuse things. The enemy loves to trick you with fool’s gold. Keep your ears and heart and eyes attuned to Me, and you will not fall prey to his schemes. You will not choose a false gift.

”You are fair and righteous in everything you do, and your love is wrapped into all your works. You draw near to those who call out to you, listening closely, especially when their hearts are true. Every godly one receives even more than what they ask for. For you hear what their hearts really long for, and you bring them your saving strength. God, you watch carefully over all your devoted lovers like a bodyguard, but you will destroy the ungodly. I will praise you, Lord! Let everyone everywhere join me in praising the beautiful Lord of holiness from now through eternity!“

Psalms‬ ‭145‬:‭17‬-‭21‬ ‭TPT‬‬

These are days of abundance, not lack. Live with your arms and expectations wide open. Live with your hopes high and your dreams expanding. Choices are upon you, and gifts from above are pouring in. Be on alert. Be wise. Be attuned to Me. And I will even set the record straight. I will settle the score on your behalf. As your enemies look on at your abundance — at what looks to them like plunder — they will see the favor of God poured out generously in your life. And I will even settle the score in your favor. This is that time. This is the time. I will settle the score.

How to Respond

  • Keep your focus and your heart attuned to the voice and promptings of the Lord.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Make me more sensitive to Your voice and nudging. Help me to discern more clearly what is from You and what is a false gift or a wrong choice. Thank You that You have declared this a time of abundance, expansion and overflow. Help me to expand my expectations and receive all that You have for me. I want nothing that is not from You.
  • Declare, my God is the God of always more than enough, the God of super-abundance, the God who never leaves, never fails, never lies and never loses. He is the God of recompense and a full reward.
  • Decree, I will see the goodness and recompense of the Lord in my life. I will experience a super-abundant return. I will not live in lack. I will receive a full-measure reward, and the Lord will exceed my greatest expectations. I will see the Lord set the record straight and settle the score on my behalf.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Blitz of Truth Is Incoming
2022: Come and Receive Superabundant Vibrant Life
2021: The Comeback


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