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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 13-15
Isaiah 47:8-15
Isaiah 56:9-12

Drink from the Well of the Lord’s Graces

The Lord says,
Choose Me. Choose to worship. Choose to bow. No matter what. Live with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise. Live with eyes full of light and joy that come from deep in the wells of My living water. Lift your vessels deep deep within My wells and draw out trust, hope, joy and an abundant mindset. All of these come from deep in the well of My living water. It comes deep from the places of communion with Me. It comes deep from within the treasures of My Word that I have deposited in your heart. Pull from these. Draw from these. Drink, be satisfied and live with the full possession of these. Are you dwelling in My peace even now? Can you feel My great favor shining on you? Can you sense My Presence and the very tangible nature of My goodness?

I will see you through this. You can walk in victory through this. You can walk as nobles, as royalty, as champions through this. Keep your head high. Keep your eyes on Me. One task at a time. One decision at a time. Moment by moment. Step by step. I Am with you. This is how you will get to the other side unscathed in your heart, untarnished in your character, more beautiful in your soul.

Dance. Worship. Sing. I will walk you through this. Those who look on will say, how can they do it? How can they live with such sunshine and grace in the midst of this? And you will say, “It’s because of the Lord. He is walking with Me, and He has empowered me all along. He has given me many graces to do this, and He has shown His favor to me every step of the way.” That is what you will say.

The Lord Is Addressing Preachers of an Impure Gospel

The Lord says,
I Am addressing those who tickle the ears of the people in My Name with wrong messages and wrong intent. I will dig deep and root them out. They have become a nuisance and an abomination in My sight with the ways that they live luxurious lifestyles while leading the people astray and doing it all in My Name. This is not an attack on prosperity and wealth. This is a serious addressing of those who have misused My Name and their platform and are leading the people down wrong paths. This is a great abuse, and I will deal with it head on. This is a warning to those who even dabble in this ear tickling preaching and mix it in with My Gospel. I’m telling you now, repent. Preach the pure and unadulterated Gospel or be among those who face My swift and decisive judgement.

I have no room for these in the days we are heading. And My sheep must hear the Word to know My voice. Hearing comes by the Word of God. These ear tickling sweet and pretty narratives are rotten to the core, and they do nothing for the hearts and the homes and the futures of the people.

Revival is coming and is even here now. And revival and a great harvest comes from the preaching of the pure, unadulterated Gospel. No more, no less. My Word is perfect, don’t think you can add to it; and don’t omit the parts you don’t like. My Word is power.

To see the world change, the full and unadulterated pure Gospel must be preached. I Am bulldozing from the scene those who preach garbage. I Am making way for my wild, bold ones who come with just the Word, a fiery heart, ears to hear me and great compassion for the people. These are the ones I can trust. And these are the ones I will use.

How to Respond

  • Dig into the well of the Lord for what you need in this season. He has made it all available to you.
  • Worship and live a lifestyle of thanksgiving for all to see.
  • Be ready to point to the Lord when people ask how you can handle these circumstances with such joy and grace.
  • Be careful who you listen to. Judge the word preached or shared carefully against the pure Gospel.
  • Be careful not to give a sweet answer to those who are in genuine need of hearing the truth of the Lord. Say the truth of the Word with great kindness. The Lord will do the rest.


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