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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 72
Luke 4:1-21
Deuteronomy 32:1-47
Isaiah 35
Ephesians 5:6-20

Rejoice with him, O heavens; bow down to him, all gods, for he avenges the blood of his children and takes vengeance on his adversaries. He repays those who hate him and cleanses his people’s land.

Deuteronomy 32:43

Rescue Mission

The Lord says,
I Am thinking about the many rescue stories, the many testimonies of My people. I’m thinking of the ones who I Am moving to rescue now. I Am moving in a great, powerful way to rescue this nation and many others from the filthy, corrupt and evil ones who have held power and held the people hostage for too long. I Am moving for their rescue, for the rescue of those who have been held captive by the fraud, by the thievery, by the manipulation, the lies, the deceit and the dark deeds of others.

I Am flipping the switch. I Am turning on a bright light that can not be hidden — lights as bright as stadium lights. I Am turning these lights on to expose the filth, the corruption and the dark deeds and deals done in secret. There will be no time to cover it up. There will be no time to escape. They will be caught red handed in full sight of the world, and they will be ejected from the game. No questions asked. No time for debate. It will be so obvious, and they will be thrown out. I am clearing the field of those evil, self-loving, self-promoting ones. Even now I am moving to embarrass them in many ways and preview their exposure. To them it seems like typical PR crises, but it is a little spotlight on what is yet to come. The stadium lights won’t be denied access.

This is not just for America, but America’s cleansing will be a catalyst and an example to many nations. Nations in Europe, Africa, Latin America, and Asia — even Australia and New Zealand. Globally, the nations of the world will see. They will sit up and take notice, and they will not be denied their freedom, their rescue. They too are calling out to me day and night to rescue them from oppression of evil people with dark intentions.

Testimonies of the Lord’s Work

The Lord says,
I will be the testimony of many nations. I will be the testimony of all nations. As I rescue you from political oppression, I will also move to rescue you from spiritual apathy, spiritual deception and spiritual death. This is the biggest most comprehensive rescue mission in modern history. It is unparalleled in its reach, in its impact, in its transformation.

I Am calling all who love me to fight for and guard the freedom that I bring. There are to be many guards, globally — at the local level — fierce guards who guard, protect and defend freedom from an offensive and very mission-focused position. This is not work for another generation. It is not work for another time. This is not work for the lazy. This is a job for the vigilant, for those who will not relent and will not give the enemy one inch back that the Lord has restored.

These are fierce defenders of truth, of justice, of right, of My Word, of children, of the future. They defend spiritual freedom, morality, liberty and personal determination in how to live (free will!!)
. They ruthlessly defend from government interference; and like referees with great authority, they will call appointed and elected officials out of the game for trying to limit freedom or encroach in any way. These are My guardians for freedom.

Everyone in Me has a role to play to guard the freedom I Am moving to bring. Everyone will have a testimony of how their life, how their family was touched by this rescue. And these testimonies will bring great unity. Instead of, “Where were you when JFK was shot? Where were you when 9/11 happened?” Instead of bonding over tragedy, people will bond over the great victory of the Lord. A victory such as the world has never collectively experienced; and it will cause great unity in communities, across America and the nations.

Restoring Life to Broken Spirits

The Lord says,
I Am calling many from spiritual death to life in this hour. I will resurrect many who didn’t know that there was a way back to life, those who didn’t know the true extent of their condition, and those who were wandering and alone. I Am calling them up, and rescuing their souls, rescuing their minds, restoring them and drawing them close to My heart. This is a massive double mission — for I Am coming to rescue the individual and the people. It is all part of this intense, dark spiritual battle that has been intensifying in the last two years and for some time before that. You will see the victory, because I Am bringing the victory.

To those living in a desert place where good news seems to be something that has died, I Am telling, get your hopes up! You will live in the promised land, overflowing with good news.

I Am soothing wounded spirits and souls. I Am reviving broken hearts, and pouring water onto dry expectations. I Am causing hope to rise. I Am causing a great sense of expectation to rise. I Am restoring strength and life to those who have been downcast and feel defeated. I say no! This defeat will not end in death. We are in a battle of great consequence for the future of humanity. Receive a touch from Me. Drink from the well of My love. Take strength from My Presence, and get your hopes up. Be revived, for we are going out once more and will return victorious this time. In this great battle, we will see the victory.

Win Your Battle First

The Lord says,
Quiet the noise in your spirit. Quiet the worries, the confusion, the chatter, the criticism, the regret, and the voices saying that your defeat is assured. I tell you it is not! Silence every voice in your mind that is not Mine.

Sing spiritual songs. Read and declare My Word out loud. Overcome the battle in your mind with My victorious words. Shut up the sounds and the voices and the condemnation of the enemy. He has no place in your mind. Make My words louder than his, and force him to flee with sounds of worship and truth. Then you will be able to see and think clearly again. Then you can effectively participate in the battle. Win the battle over your own mind first. Then come join Me out on the battlefield.

How to Respond

  • Rejoice, and again I say rejoice! The enemy and those aligned with darkness are defeated. They will soon be exposed by the hand of the Lord and will be removed from the scene.
  • Declare that the Lord is victorious and His Word stands true forever.
  • Declare the reign of truth and justice in the land.
  • Ask the Lord for songs and verses to use in your own mental battle with the voices of defeat, condemnation and despair. Ask for His help in evicting them from your mind.
  • Worship, purify your heart and worship. Make it impossible for the enemy to stay near you and your family.


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