Today’s Readings:
Jeremiah 31
Isaiah 1
Hosea 2
18 When that day comes, this is what I’ll do for My people: I’ll make a covenant for them with the wild animals and flying birds and crawling insects, and they’ll agree never to devour her crops again. I’ll smash all the bows and swords and weapons that could be used to invade their land, and they’ll live in security.
Hosea 2:18-24
(to His reclaimed bride) 19 I’m going to marry you, and this time it’ll be forever in righteousness and justice. Our covenant will reflect a loyal love and great mercy; 20 our marriage will be honest and truthful, and you’ll understand who I really am—the Eternal One.
21 And I swear that when that day comes
I’ll answer the sky and prayers for rain,
and the sky will give the land the water it’s asking for.
22 And the land will give the grain and wine and oil the fertile soil they need to develop,
and the crops will shout back to Me,“God sows!”
23 I won’t just restore the agricultural abundance;
I’ll sow into My beloved land and plant the people in the land and make them My own.
To the one who has not been shown mercy,
I’ll rename her Mercy.
I’ll tell Not My People, “You are now My People!”
and he’ll respond, “You’re my God!”
The Lord says,
Smile. Rejoice. Get your hopes up. Stir up gratitude. Stir up expectation. Stir up love. For I Am coming to your house today. Your heart will know it as a great visitation of My Spirit. Your body will recognize it as the manifest Presence of the Lord. Your soul will crack open as this touch from Me causes those rivers of living water to gush forth from you. The table is set. The meal is prepared, and I’m coming to your house today.
You will be moved in ways you have never been moved before. Your response may feel foreign to you. But it is organic, real, raw and a reflection of what is within you. Worship and reverence, tears and celebration are all wrapped together as an appropriate response.
11 For the Eternal has rescued Jacob
Jeremiah 31:11-12
and redeemed him from people who are too strong for him.
12 The redeemed will return home and shout for joy from the top of Mount Zion;
they will shine with the sheer goodness of the Eternal—
The harvests of grain, wine, and oil; the healthy flocks and herds.
Their lives will be like a lush, well-watered garden.
From that day on, they will never know sorrow.
I Am coming for freedom’s sake. I Am coming to loose the restraints and to set the captives free. I Am coming to remove the blinders and the scales from eyes. I Am coming to shake the houses of religion. I Am coming to free the people once again. I’m coming to free them from the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod. These two have tormented the people in a most diabolical fashion. This spirit of empty religion, of rules, of judgement, of condemnation. This spirit of control, manipulation, moral permissiveness and relentless character assassination of any and all adversaries. These two spirits are the ones that My Host of Heaven are warring with. They will break the back of these ruling and terrorizing spirits along with the spirit of that witch Jezebel who thirsts for power, control, wealth and blood. She is a murdering spirit, as is Herod.
My Host are breaking the back of these and causing them to bow. They will break, and they will bow. They will bow out and flee the scene in defeat, and their removal will unleash freedom.
13 Eternal One: Young women will dance for joy;
Jeremiah 31:13-14
young men will join them, old ones too.
For I will turn their mourning into joy.
I will comfort My people and replace their sorrow with gladness.
14 From the overflow of sacrifices,
I will satisfy My priests;
All My people will feast on My goodness.
It will cause people’s hearts to feel like they are in a beautiful springtime for the first time since childhood. It will cause eyes to see. It will cause hearts to soar with possibilities, because the restraints, the grip, the suffocating forces of these dark spirits have been cut off and removed. It will be glorious.
23 This is what the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies and God of Israel, has to say:
Jeremiah 31:23-24
Eternal One: When I bring them back from exile, people throughout the land and villages of Judah will speak these familiar words:
May the Eternal bless you, home of righteousness,
O sacred mountain!
24 In those days of restoration, farmers and herders all across Judah will live together in peace alongside those who live in the cities. 25 I will satisfy those who are weary, and I will refresh every soul in the grips of sorrow.
These days are about internal freedom — freedom of your heart from the bondage of sin and death through faith in Christ Jesus. They are also about the individual and corporate freedoms that I created you to live in. It is about restoring America to foundational principles. It is about returning America to her glorious shining place as a city on a hill who shows the world the way to Me and the way to freedom.
26 I will bring back legislators who have integrity,
Isaiah 1:26-28
people like your founding fathers—principled decision-makers.
Then your city will be called honorable and just,
a model of ethics, trustworthy, and strong.
27 In that way, this place Zion will pass the test:
the city restored by justice, her citizens delivered by repentance.
28 But those who arrogantly persist in doing wrong will be crushed.
Whoever abandons the Eternal will be done in.
These days are about freedom, about breaking the back of those tyrannical ruling spirits that have held and still hold the people in their grip. These days will give way to laughter, rejoicing and celebration, but there’s no need to wait. Taunt and confuse the enemy now — with your unity, with your love for one another, with your laughter, singing and celebration. It is a signal to him that his time is up and his battle is lost. Laugh from victory. Dance from victory. Declare and and choose joy because you are operating from victory. These are Glorious Days.
They are Glory Days not Gloomy Days!
Manuel Johnson
So rejoice! Get your hopes up! I’m coming to your house today.
How to Respond
- Ask the Lord to help you get your house in order for His arrival.
- Minister to your spirit and encourage yourself in the Lord through recounting His faithfulness and singing songs of thanksgiving.
- Choose to serve those around you in love.
- Fight for unity.
- Declare, the Lord is moving to bring the full expression of freedom to the people — both spiritual and natural freedom.
- Declare, the Lord’s Angel Armies are breaking the back of the spirits of the Pharisees, of Herod and of Jezebel. They will bow in defeat, and they will be removed.
- Decree, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. As a child of God, as one filled with the Holy Spirit, I live in total freedom and no spirits of control, manipulation or restraint have a place with me. I command any lingering spirit that is not of The Living God to flee from me.
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