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Today’s Readings:
Isaiah 63:7-14
James 4:7-17
Romans 13:9-14
Proverbs 2

Love makes it impossible to harm another, so love fulfills all that the law requires. To live like this is all the more urgent, for time is running out, and you know it is a strategic hour in human history. It is time for us to wake up! For our full salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon.

Romans 13:10-12

Changing Seasons

The Lord says,
The season is about to shift very quickly. It is about to be an abrupt season change, a major, huge pivot.
And it will be disorienting, and it may feel alarming and unsettling and and urgent. You are already in a season of low visibility, and so too will the next season be one of low visibility. In the current season, it has been very difficult to see inches in front of your face. I Am bringing some moments to this next season where you will be able to see clearly.

This next season will not be an easy one. It will feel daunting and treacherous, like a snowstorm. We are approaching an epic snowstorm, but I Am making the way forward clear. I Am plowing the path before you.

Places in the Battle

The Lord says,
Some I have called to go out into the snow, to wade into the storm and stand.

Others, I have called up high into the snowplow with Me. These are My prophets who can clearly see the path forward from above. Listen to them. Heed their instructions. I Am bringing clarity and vision through them, through their voices. Have discernment in who you listen to. The ones who have words of clarity, of vision, of truth — all underscored with hope, faith and trust in Me — these are the ones I Am speaking to in this hour.

Some others, I am calling to run behind the plow. They will have a clear path to tread but will have to walk by faith and not by their own sight. The path will be cleared for them from obstacles and difficulties, but they will not be able to see far on their own.

The storm will last three months – or for three periods of time. And then the storm will end. At the end of these three months (? – or possibly three periods or measures of time), the snow plow will drive onto fertile soil, and it will stop because it has reached Spring. It has reached a place of wide open spaces, of freedom, of great vitality and life, of openness, of purity, of joy and celebration — a place that is established in truth.

There will be battles fought in the storm leading to Spring. Those behind My plow will be shielded. They are intercessors. They are buttressing the faith of those in the fight. They are the Aarons and the Hurs. They will experience the storm, but they will not have to walk in it as much as others. Those I have called to go out into the storm and stand, they are the fighters out in the (spiritual) hand-to-hand combat. These are the active fighters with low – but some – visibility. These are the ones advancing by My side. These I Am calling to not get in front of Me, not to get ahead of Me, but to fight faithfully and with endurance alongside of Me. The prophets are making battle calls and declarations from inside the snow plow with Me. And the intercessors and the ground troops have access to their voices and to Mine.

Making Hearts Fertile Ground

The Lord says,
I Am softening the soil of hearts in all places of the Earth. They are being made tender and ready, receptive, and they will love the truth. They will gladly receive the weight of the truth, even in the midst of the storm. Even in low visibility conditions they will receive it with gladness and with a hunger for more.

The soil of these hearts I am making so fertile and so receptive, that much fruit will be borne of these hearts in a short period of time. I have restored and am restoring the soil of these hearts to such a condition that deep root systems can be established, so that they can bear fruit in all seasons. The seeds are being planted now and will continue to be planted in the storm. The first fruits will be in bloom, will begin to ripen in spring.

The Days Ahead

The Lord says,
I Am moving and there will be celebrations even in the storm. Even though the period just in front of us will be a difficult and treacherous storm, there will be victories and celebrations and moments of visibility and Spring along the way.

I will be the source of your strength, and I will get you safely to Official Spring. I have given you the grace needed to successfully advance through the short but intense season ahead. The next three months (periods of time) will bring challenges, exposures, vacancies and arrests. Justice will come in the Spring. But the clearing will come in the storm. A great clearing will come in the storm. And I Am the one doing the clearing.

How to Respond

  • Take heart. Strengthen yourself in the Lord. Rejoice in the Lord. Again, I say rejoice!
  • Serve those in need. Love your neighbors.
  • Tune into and give heed the prophets.
  • Have great discernment in who you choose to listen to and who you believe. The Lord’s Spirit will bear witness in you to the truth. And He will bring dissonance when you listen to those who are off-track.
  • Know your place in this season. Ask the Lord where He has you stationed and what your job is.
  • Be faithful. Dig your heels in, and do not doubt that the Lord will finish what He started.
  • Declare the coming and definite justice of the Lord.
  • Declare the coming breakthrough into freedom and purity and the Lord’s Spring.


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