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Today’s Reading:
Matthew 18
Luke 15

‘Then Jesus said, “Once there was a father with two sons. The younger son came to his father and said, ‘Father, don’t you think it’s time to give me my share of your estate?’ So the father went ahead and distributed between the two sons their inheritance. Shortly afterward, the younger son packed up all his belongings and traveled off to see the world. He journeyed to a far-off land where he soon wasted all he was given in a binge of extravagant and reckless living.’

Luke 15:11-13 TPT

The Spirit of the Living God says,
The wanderers are unsatisfied. A sound, a pull in their heart is drawing them home. A strong pull is drawing them back to the place of their first love — back to the place where their heart broke open, poured out and was healed and made whole. I’m drawing my wanderers back to the scene, back to the place, back to the moment of their salvation. Many wandering hearts will make the pilgrimage back to Me, back to where it all started, back to where that altar of change and remembrance was built and then left behind.

‘“Humiliated, the son finally realized what he was doing, and he thought, ‘There are many workers at my father’s house who have all the food they want with plenty to spare. They lack nothing. Why am I here dying of hunger, feeding these pigs and eating their slop? I want to go back home to my father’s house, and I’ll say to him, “Father, I was wrong. I have sinned against you. I’ll never again be worthy to be called your son. Please, Father, just treat me like one of your employees.” ’ “So the young son set off for home. From a long distance away, his father saw him coming, dressed as a beggar, and great compassion swelled up in his heart for his son who was returning home. The father raced out to meet him, swept him up in his arms, hugged him dearly, and kissed him over and over with tender love. “Then the son said, ‘Father, I was wrong. I have sinned against you. I could never deserve to be called your son. Just let me be—’ “The father interrupted and said, ‘Son, you’re home now!’’

Luke 15:17-21 TPT

I’m drawing them back to the place of their life-changing encounter with the Living God and Savior Jesus. This is a pilgrimage of pain, humility and desperation. It’s one of gnawing hunger and deep sorrow for all that was left behind. But the return, the repentance, the re-connection will cause them to feel like they have had something that was long missing restored. I will restore to them the joy of their salvation. I will wash them yet again and make them white as snow.

Those who have been wanderers wandering in far flung places among ideas, lands and people that have only used them and left them out in the cold will become new memorial stones of remembrance. It will become the new word of their testimony — of coming out of their wandering, the desert place of their wandering and suffering into the place where they crossed over into the beautiful land of My Promise, into My love, My provision, My arms and My rest — the land of restoration, where I make all things new. The days of their wandering will be to them a stone of remembrance in their beautiful testimony of rescue, reconnection and restoration. The wanderers are coming home.

‘“The Son of Man has come to give life to all who are lost. Think of it this way: If a man owns a hundred sheep and one lamb wanders away and is lost, won’t he leave the ninety-nine grazing the hillside and thoroughly search for the one lost lamb? And if he finds his lost lamb, he rejoices over it, more than over the ninety-nine that never went astray. Now you should understand that it is never the desire of your heavenly Father that a single one of these little ones should be lost.”’

Matthew 18:11-14 TPT

How to Respond

  • Pray, Holy Spirit thank You that You are stirring up a great dissatisfaction among the prodigals. Only You know what it will take to get them back to You. Lord, guide their paths and pull on their hearts so they come back from their wandering and are restored to the joy of their salvation, restored to righteousness, peace and connection with their Savior, King Jesus.
  • Declare, the Lord is drawing the prodigals home, and they will be fully restored and re-connected to Him. He will restore to them the joy of their salvation.
  • Decree, I will see the prodigals come home, and many have begun their journey home already. The Lord’s arm is not too short that it cannot save. He is the shepherd who leaves the 99 to recover the one. He is the God of so great a salvation. I will see and rejoice in the household salvations that are the birthright of those who dedicated their families and their homes to King Jesus. Not one will be lost.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: Remnant Warriors Are Marking Out a Path Unseen for a People Unknown
2022: Position Yourself to Receive
2021: Grace for Overcoming Is Here


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