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Today’s Reading:
James 5
Proverbs 8
Isaiah 45

“Listen all you who are rich, for it’s time to weep and howl over the misery that will overtake you! Your riches lie rotting, your fine clothing eaten by moths, and your gold and silver are corroded as a witness against you. You have hoarded up treasure for the last days but it will become a fire to burn your flesh. Listen! Can’t you hear the cries of the laborers over the wages you fraudulently held back from those who worked for you? The cries for justice of those you’ve cheated have reached the ears of the Lord of armies! You have indulged yourselves with every luxury and pleasure this world offers, but you’re only stuffing your heart full for a day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered good and innocent people who had no power to defend themselves.”

James (Jacob)‬ ‭5:1-6‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Lord says,
People set on the destruction and the devouring of the people are at the helm of many countries. Usurpers and interlopers who have risen to power after the removal of My anointed ones, My placed ones, have come to power and have been influential in culture. This is a warning that should you get invited into these royal chambers, these royal places, do not get close to these people, and do not be envious of what they have. Do not desire what they have, because it is all built on lies, death, theft and decay. It will crumble in their hands and beneath their feet. Do not be thrown off course. Do not follow the instruction of these wicked ones in fancy clothes with big titles and crowns. Do not be drawn into their web of lies and their den of deceit. They desire to hypnotize the people. They desire for the people to be comfortable and lazy. They are fattening the people up and preparing them for slaughter. They want to feast on the people. They desire to devour the people. They came as hunters and destroyers, and they came to devour the people.

““You will find true success when you find me, for I have insight into wise plans that are designed just for you. I hold in my hands living-understanding, courage, and strength. I empower kings to reign and rulers to make laws that are just. I empower princes to rise and take dominion, and generous ones to govern the earth. I will show my love to those who passionately love me. For they will search and search continually until they find me. Unending wealth and glory come to those who discover where I dwell. The riches of righteousness and a long, satisfying life will be given to them.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭8:14-18‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Get out there with the horses, and refuse to be tamed. Refuse to bow. Refuse to scrape. Refuse these devourers a place in your heart. Do not put them on a pedestal as the world does. Do not honor them or give heed to their words. Yours is to run with the wild horses, to be untamable, and to respond quickly to the voice of your Master and King Jesus. He will guide you. Holy Spirit will lead you into all truth. He will lead you down paths of righteousness, and He will show you how to throw off the shackles of the usurpers, the hunters and the destroyers. He will lead you to truth and freedom.

2 “I will go before you and make the rough places smooth;
I will shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars.
3 “I will give you the treasures of darkness
And hidden wealth of secret places,
So that you may know that it is I,
The Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.
4 “For the sake of Jacob My servant,
And Israel My chosen one,
I have also called you by your name;

Isaiah 45:2-4a

Freedom is galloping steadily and powerfully like a strong white horse. He is coming to destroy and devastate the destroyers. He is coming to set the captives free. He is coming to break the chains that have bound and loose the bars of iron. I Am sending a white horse named Freedom, and he will trample on the wicked and evil plans of the devourer. This white horse, Freedom, will ravage and destroy the destroyers, and he will set men free.

How to Respond

  • Align your heart and your mind with the Lord. Refuse to be in alignment or agreement with evil. Refuse evil a voice in your life and home.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit guide me. Show me what to do and how to live in this time of extreme spiritual warfare where wickedness surrounds us. Lead me and my family on paths of righteousness. Lead us in truth, and bring us to freedom Lord. Show us how to partner with freedom to tear apart the chains, shackles and iron bars that have restrained us. Help us to be untamable. Help us to be wild ones who strike fear in the heart of the enemy. Help us to know truth and to speak it boldly. Help us to be unashamed, unintimidatable voices for truth.
  • Declare, wickedness, evil, lies, death and perversion have no place here. I refuse it. I release the Lord’s angel armies to overthrow these schemes of the enemy and cause righteousness and justice to spring up in their place. The strong in the Lord will stand and reign with Him. We will occupy until He comes.
  • Decree, we will not be overcome by darkness. We will not be silenced. We will not be shaken. We will not be tamed, and we will not bow to another. In partnership with the Lord, we will overthrow the works of darkness and stand victorious and wild in the freedom He gave us as our birthright.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in 2022: The Days of the Lord’s Comeback
And in 2021: Sacred Life & Victory


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