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Today’s Reading:
Ephesians 5

“Be imitators of God in everything you do, for then you will represent your Father as his beloved sons and daughters. And continue to walk surrendered to the extravagant love of Christ, for he surrendered his life as a sacrifice for us. His great love for us was pleasing to God, like an aroma of adoration—a sweet healing fragrance.”

Ephesians‬ ‭5:1-2‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
Get out of the rat race. Put down the technology for a moment and sit with Me. In stillness you will find rest. In stillness you will find peace. In stillness, you will find Me, and your mind and your heart will open to see the Kingdom of God rising in power, in strength, in influence. It’s at inception phase now, but it is growing steadily. To the naked eye, it does not seem like it is growing rapidly, but to the one who gets still, to the one who sets their gaze, their heart and their focus upon Me, they will be able to see and perceive the rapid almost below ground, beneath the surface growth and transformation causing the Kingdom of God to rise.

“Once your life was full of sin’s darkness, but now you have the very light of our Lord shining through you because of your union with him. Your mission is to live as children flooded with his revelation-light! And the supernatural fruits of his light will be seen in you—goodness, righteousness, and truth. Then you will learn to choose what is beautiful to our Lord. And don’t even associate with the servants of darkness because they have no fruit in them; instead, reveal truth to them. The very things they do in secret are too vile and filthy to even mention. Whatever the revelation-light exposes, it will also correct, and everything that reveals truth is light to the soul. This is why the Scripture says, “Arise, you sleeper! Rise up from your coffin and the Anointed One will shine his light into you!””

Ephesians‬ ‭5:8-14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This is a rise and build season. Wake up oh sleepers and Christ will shine on you. This is a wake up season. And for those who are awake, I Am calling them to rise. Rise up to the fullness of your calling. Rise up to the place where I have called you to attend your battle post. Rise up in great courage and with the fullness of My joy as your strength. Rise up and shine like the Son. Rise up in pursuit of holiness and seeking to imitate the only one who ever got it all right, Jesus. Rise up in authority, in grace and in purpose, and build with the tools you find in your hands.

As you rise up in response to My call, you will see that you already have tools for building in your hands. Use those tools, and build. Build the structure. Build the framework. Build out little places for hiding in Me. Building is an artistic expression of the soul. It is a discipline, and it is a pursuit of vision. I have given you the vision, so build toward that. The mockers and the naysayers may come. The ones who find fault and the critics may come. Tell them you are too busy with important work and can’t come down to hear their complaints. Tell them you are busy about your Father’s work, and they should find some work as well.

“So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes. And don’t live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God’s will. And don’t get drunk with wine, which is rebellion; instead be filled continually with the Holy Spirit. And your hearts will overflow with a joyful song to the Lord. Keep speaking to each other with words of Scripture, singing the Psalms with praises and spontaneous songs given by the Spirit! Always give thanks to Father God for every person he brings into your life in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Ephesians‬ ‭5:15-20‬ ‭TPT‬‬

We are past the laying of the foundation. We are to erect and built a solid, trustworthy, sturdy structure according to the vision in your heart. I will build with you. I will supply the tools you need. I will bring the help and supplies. Don’t get discouraged if you build alone for a season, for a time. I Am drawing your builders to you. I Am bringing your co-laborers, your tribe to you. You may find they have been building the other side of the structure this whole time you thought you were building alone. I Am the God of surprises. And this will be a time filled with surprises — for the builders, for the faithful, for the doers in pursuit of the vision I have placed in their heart. Rise up and build my dear one. We have great work to do.

How to Respond

  • Be obedient to the call of the Lord. Put down the technology and find Him in the stillness. Ask Him for eyes to see the Kingdom of God growing in power and strength. Ask Him to refresh the vision in your heart for what it is you are to build with Him.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Help me to quiet my mind and body. Help me to focus my eyes and my heart on You, so I can see the underground expansion and rising of Your Kingdom on Earth as it is in Heaven. Spark fresh energy and joy in me, so I can pursue the vision in my heart in a way that honors You. Thank You that we are in a time where people are waking up. Lord, I am among the awake. Help me to rise and build. Help me to not be distracted or discouraged by naysayers and critics but instead filled with the joy of the Lord and so excited about the building the vision, that their words fall to the ground with no effect.
  • Declare, the Lord is waking people up. This is a rise and build season. This is a time where the Lord’s grace is on the builders to accomplish much. This is season full of green lights for building the vision that the Lord has placed in my heart.
  • Decree, I will rise up and build. I will use the tools the Lord has placed in my hands to pursue the vision He has given me. I will rise in authority, in faith and filled to the brim with the joy of the Lord as my strength. I will not entertain critics or naysayers. I will be busy about my Father’s business, because I have a part to play in building for His Kingdom, His honor and His Name’s sake.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Glory Is Inbound
2022: Fiery Torches of Passionate Love for Jesus


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