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Today’s Reading:
Psalm 18

I love you, Yahweh, and I’m bonded to you, my strength! Yahweh, you’re the bedrock beneath my feet, my faith-fortress, my wonderful deliverer, my God, my rock of rescue where none can reach me. You’re the shield around me, the mighty power that saves me, and my high place. All I need to do is to call on you, Yahweh, the praiseworthy God. When I do, I’m safe and sound in you— delivered from my foes!

Psalms‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬-‭3‬ ‭TPT‬‬

I heard the Spirit of the Living God say,
This is the season and the time and even the day you have been waiting for. All that you have sown, all that you have invested, all the work that you have done has come into its time. The hard seasons, the dark seasons, the dry times and the low times have brought you to this place, where it is time to celebrate, smile, laugh, sing for joy and rejoice. This is the time of the pinnacle. This is the time of assuming your rightful, hard earned place that is elevated, that is above the noise, above the fray, above the dirt and mire. This is a place of great vision. This is a place of security in Me, of assurance and absolute confidence in Me.

His love broke open the way, and he brought me into a beautiful, broad place. He rescued me—because his delight is in me! He rewarded me for doing what’s right and staying pure. I will follow his commands and I’ll not sin by ceasing to follow him, no matter what. For I’ve kept my eyes focused on his righteous words, and I’ve obeyed everything that he’s told me to do. I’ve been blameless before him and followed all his ways, keeping my heart pure. And so Yahweh has rewarded me according to my righteousness, because I kept my heart clean before his eyes. Good people will taste your goodness. And to those who are loyal to you, you love to prove that you are loyal and true.

Psalms‬ ‭18‬:‭19‬-‭25‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The work has been worth it. The sacrifice has been worth it. The tears and dry bones periods have been worth it — to get you here in this up higher place of authority, of rulership, of absolute security and certainty in Me — that I Am who I say I Am, and I always do what I say I will do. This place is not for infants. This place is not for toddlers. This place is for those who have matured, who have been tested, who have walked through the fire and submitted to the hands of blacksmith in the fiery furnace for refining. It is for those who delight to steal away with Me, whose love for Me is like a little child’s — pure, sure and fully trusting.

Could there be any other god like Yahweh? For there is not a more secure foundation than you. God, you have wrapped me in power and made my way perfect. Through you I ascend to the highest peaks to stand strong and secure in you.

Psalms‬ ‭18‬:‭31‬-‭33‬ ‭TPT‬‬

This is a time to celebrate. This is a time to be expectant. This is a time to encourage those who are still walking in the places where you have been. This is a time of glory and freedom. The atmosphere is clear in this new elevated place where I have established you. Use that freedom for My Name’s sake. Use that freedom and clarity for My people. Use the ease to advance decisively and swiftly in the work I have put in your hands. This is the time where you will see My tested and purified people begin to rule and reign effectively, decisively, assuredly with Me.

How to Respond

  • Worship the Lord. Delight in Him — in His Word, His ways and His Presence.
  • Pray, Holy Spirit come. Help me to understand how to operate in this new place and season You have for me. Thank You that the time of toiling and sowing without seeing benefit, without seeing the fruit has come to an end. Thank You that You have moved me to a place of celebration, freedom and where the atmosphere is cleared. Thank You that You have brought me to a place and a time where all that I have sown is now in its moment. Help me to be one who rules and reigns effectively and decisively — with a pure heart — with You.
  • Declare, Yahweh, you alone are my inheritance. You are my prize, my pleasure, and my portion. You hold my destiny and its timing in your hands. Your pleasant path leads me to pleasant places. I’m overwhelmed by the privileges that come with following you! – Psalms‬ ‭16‬:‭5‬-‭6‬ ‭TPT‬‬
  • Decree, the Lord has shifted my season. And now all that I have worked for and invested is coming into its moment. I will rejoice in the Lord, and I will assume the new position He has for me. I will not cling to the past or the old ways of operating. The Lord has made all things new in this season, and I will celebrate.

For more encouragement from The Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:




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