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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 66-67
Habakkuk 2:3-4
Proverbs 18:10
Isaiah 25

9 In that day they will say,
“Behold! This is our God!
We’ve waited for him, and he saved us!
This one, the Lord Yahweh—he is worth the wait!
We will keep shouting with joy
as we find our bliss in his salvation-kiss!”

Isaiah 25:9

The Year of Jubilee

The Lord says,
This is the year of Jubilee. It will be remembered as a year that many debts were forgiven, and a year where righteousness, truth and justice were reestablished in the earth. Celebration will come. It looks like it is delayed, but it will come. Joy will abound and overtake the people. Dancing, singing, shouting and cheering will all come. Though it lingers wait for it, for it will surely come.

Hearts will be lighter, and tightness and strain will leave many chests. Celebration will come. Right will return. Truth will prevail, and justice will reign.

The Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous one runs into it and will be safe.

I Am reestablishing justice and truth as pillars of society — as reliable pillars that cannot be moved.

Smiles will return to faces; confidence and life will rise, as the people feel the light of truth piercing and exposing the darkness. What is revealed is very grave; but My revelation of it, exposure of it, is a wonderful and game changing development. Confidence in Me, in truth, in justice will return.

People will have to re-learn how they think about many institutions, because they will be so thoroughly cleaned, that they will be unrecognizable. They will serve the purposes for which they were established and will no longer be mired in corruption, bureaucracy, laziness and bribery. It will be a glorious day of many reformations, and the institutions will be reestablished on the right Foundation. They will sway and totter and stumble no longer. My people, My men and women will stand tall and be beacons of hope, truth, justice, righteousness and love. They will be known as the trustworthy, the wise, the stable and the unshakable ones.

Grace and Truth Are Rising

The Lord says,
Grace and truth are rising. My grace is on the willing, the activated, the seeking ones. My truth is planted firmly in their hearts, and it will be spoken in many settings. My grace is on many movements for freedom. It’s on many people who have put on their gear and run out into the battle — those who are fighting for truth, and freedom, for justice, and a return to honorable leadership. My grace is on them to push out many cowards, to forcefully eject “yes men,” and to drag out the corrupt and the evil ones who are holding onto power.

My grace is on these movements and these warriors for truth and justice. Watch many miracles happen at the hands of these, because I Am with them — instructing them, enabling them, and bringing the fruit of their labor to harvest.

Justice will reign supreme again. My Name will be famous in the halls of many institutions again. Truth and righteousness will triumph. Hang on. Pick your battle.

A Call to Rise Up

The Lord says,
I Am moving upon many to rise up. I Am moving upon many to speak up. I Am moving upon many to research, to look for truth, and to act. I Am moving like a great tidal wave on the hearts and minds and wills of many, and I am infusing them with new fervor, new zeal and with eyes full of light looking to pierce the darkness. As I move upon them, they go rushing out.

Rush out. Join them. Lend a hand. Lend your voice. Shout your NO to the the relentless onslaught of the enemy.

How to Respond

  • Declare that this is the year of Jubilee.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving to restore justice, truth, righteousness and honor in the earth.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving to restore appropriate faith in institutions, through cleaning house and reestablishing His Name as the One who leads and guides decisions.
  • Ask the Lord to move on you and to show you your place in the battle if you have not yet taken up the fight.


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