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Today’s Readings:
2 Timothy 3
1 Corinthians 5:6-8
Luke 6:43-45
Titus 2:7-14
Isaiah 59

It’s true that all is pure to those who have pure hearts, but to the corrupt unbelievers nothing is pure. Their minds and consciences are defiled.

Titus 1:15

What Are You Consuming?

The Lord says,
Much of the world is consuming information and sermons and news that they believe to be mostly healthy, mostly for their good, mostly true. But I tell you, much of these are nothing more than manufactured lies made to feed your desires, make you hungrier than when you started, and leave you emptier than when you started. Take a close look at the news you consume. Ask Me to show you the spirit behind the news. Most of it is evil, full of lies and propaganda. Much of it is meant to spread fear, cause division, promote perversion and lay blame at the feet of entire people groups. This doesn’t add up.

Who is speaking truth? Where can you find the truth? These are the places you should spend your time – dwelling on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. (Philippians 4:8)

The lies just stoke the swirl of chaos in your heart and mind and cause anxiety and depression. Examine also your church leaders’ messages. Are they marked with the power and redemption of the Pure Gospel? Or do they just teach messages that make you feel good while you’re there?

Be very careful who you listen to in this hour. Do not be deceived. Be diligent to be on the right side - on the side of truth, on the side of God. Don’t fill yourself with toxic messages. This is no way to be informed and no way to be taught. Fill yourself with truth from trustworthy sources, from men and women who fear the Lord and love righteousness, whose only agenda is the truth and the perfect, unchanging message of Jesus. Detox your heart and your mind and your life from sources whose agenda is not the Lord’s. Examine all that you intake under the light of truth and the light of the Gospel. Get rid of anything that doesn’t pass the test.

Set Your Eyes On the Lord, And You Will Be On The Right Track

The Lord says,
Anchor yourself in Me. I Am your firm foundation. I Am unmovable and unshakeable. For the shaking to come, you’ll want to be closely anchored in Me. I Am also the source of life and joy and freedom. You can find these things and be filled in Me.

Seek Me. Diligently seek to know Jesus and to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Desire the truth and Me above all else. And you will not be led off-track. What you set your eyes and your heart on will cause the direction of your steps. Where I’m going is an adventure. And I’m the surest bet you’ll ever make. Keep your eyes and your heart on Me, and you won’t be led off course.

How to Respond

  • Rejoice in the Lord. Rejoice in His victory and His rescue mission.
  • Lift up your hands, your heads and your hearts toward Heaven and worship with great gratitude.
  • Remove from your “information diet” all news sources and teachers that are not aligned with truth and the Pure Gospel.
  • Do a lie detox, where you purge all lies – external and internal from your system.
  • Declare the rescue of the Lord.
  • Declare the destruction of the work of evil in this country and throughout the world.
  • Declare the victory of the Lord for the sake of His people and for the establishment of truth, purity and justice as the new pillars of society.


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