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Today’s Readings:
2 Timothy 3:20-26
Psalm 133-135
Isaiah 55

Night’s darkness is dissolving away as a new day of destiny dawns. So we must once and for all strip away what is done in the shadows of darkness, removing it like filthy clothes. And once and for all we clothe ourselves with the radiance of light as our weapon. We must live honorably, surrounded by the light of this new day, not in the darkness of drunkenness and debauchery, not in promiscuity and sensuality, not being argumentative or jealous of others. Instead fully immerse yourselves into the Lord Jesus, the Anointed One, and don’t waste even a moment’s thought on your former identity to awaken its selfish desires.

Romans 13:11-14

Making All Things New

The Lord says,
I Am moving you into a time, a new era of making all things new. It will be a time of great restoration, revitalization, healing, transformation, new ideas, new life, great creativity and ingenuity being put to work, of economic resurgence, of wild growth and life-giving, value-added ventures.

This is a time where people who have renewed minds, and clear eyes and open ears to hear will be able to receive fresh visions, fresh revelations and downloads of ideas, of truths, of inventions straight from Holy Spirit. And they will be given the grace and the favor to bring those visions to life.

It will be a time of great sustainability, a movement toward great sustainability and healing and respect for the Earth that I created. It will be a time of great community, and a sense of shared responsibility and connectivity and purpose.

It will be a time where hands will join each other to accomplish visions, and great exploits will be made because of the power of unity, and because brother lifted up brother to achieve his vision and purpose. It will be a beautiful time. This is the era that I Am moving you to.

Leaving Behind the Former Things

The Lord says,
This has been a period of great deterioration, of the breaking down many things.
The value for family has been broken down. The utility and purpose of institutions has been broken down. Many aspects of the fabric of society have been broken down. Trust in government has been broken. Trust in many things that were once inherently trustworthy have been broken down – churches, media, schools, and beyond. This breaking down has fragmented belief systems, has fragmented homes, has fragmented communities and society.

Now it is time to shatter many of these broken things that are beyond repair – institutions and organizations that no longer serve their purpose, no longer serve the people. It is time to shine a healing light on those core pieces that remain – family and community. The shattered pieces will give way, will give room to reinvention, to complete rethinking and reinventing of how media is done, how government institutions – like houses of justice are done. Some things I will strengthen in this period, and some things I will shatter. I will empower people, and inspire people to re-create, re-make these shattered institutions in glorious ways that reflect My purposes on the Earth, My heart, and serves the people – in a way that actually has utility and serves the needs of the people.

These institutions will no longer exist for the sake of the few, for propaganda, for the enrichment of those in power. No. They will literally serve their purpose – the purposes of the people, and My purposes on the Earth.

Changing Perspectives

The Lord says,
I Am changing how people see Me. I Am giving people, many people the gift of a new perspective. I Am shifting paradigms. And I am causing many to see things differently. This change of perspective will be disorienting at first. But it’s s part of and key to the Great Awakening.

I Am opening people’s eyes to truly see me for Who I Am. I Am opening their eyes to see what is actually going on in the world around them. I Am lifting the fog that has dimmed their sight and weakened their ability to perceive truth. As I clear out this fog, the light and the weight and the Presence of My Glory will be revealed. It has been here, but the darkness and the fog, the lies and the disorienting darkness has covered it, concealed it for a time.

But no more. I Am clearing the fog. I Am making Myself known. I Am making My Presence and My Glory known. And the knowledge of Me will change the world. Connection to Me, life in Me, salvation through Me, will change the world. We are standing in the gateway of change. We are here, leaving the old season, the old, broken time of chaos, division, rancor, corruption and evil – these we are leaving behind, and we are entering into Glorious Days. The days we are entering are Days of Awakening, of unity, of power and authority in the Name of Jesus, of mighty miracles, of healings, of societal and economic transformation. I Am turning the world upside down – that’s what it will feel like for some time. But You will know that what I Am actually doing is turning it right side up. I Am righting wrongs, I Am restoring what is broken, I Am bringing refreshing, renewal, right minds, clear sight, ears to hear and hearts that perceive and understand My Spirit’s move, My voice and My promptings.

It will be a time of great spiritual regeneration, and many new things will blossom and grow. There will be a fresh revelation of how the spiritual world is intimately connected to the physical world.
That false dichotomy of the two being separate will be shattered. People will live with a holistic vision of how their spiritual life impacts the world around them in the physical and vice versa. The two worlds are inextricably connected. The idea that they are separate and apart is a lie of the enemy that I Am dismantling in the Earth.

How to Respond

  • Call it forward. Declare and call forth the days of exposure, the days of truth being told and received, and the days of great dismantling of broken systems.
  • Declare that the Lord is at work bringing spiritual, social, economic and political transformation, and that we get to be a part of it.
  • Pray for the advancement and acceleration of the Great Awakening and for unity among the people.
  • Stir up joy in your own heart, and go out of your way to bring joy into the lives of those around you today.


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