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Today’s Reading: 
Psalm 71
Psalm 72

“I’m overflowing with your praise for all you’ve done, and your splendor thrills me all day long. No matter what, I’ll trust in you to help me. Nothing will stop me from praising you to magnify your glory! I couldn’t begin to count the times you’ve been there for me. With the skill of a poet I’ll never run out of things to say about how you faithfully kept me from danger. I will come forth in your mighty strength, O my Lord God. I’ll tell everyone that you alone are the perfect one. From my childhood you’ve been my teacher, and I’m still telling everyone of your miracle-wonders!”

Psalms‬ ‭71:8, 14-17‬ ‭TPT‬‬

The Spirit of the Living God says,
Let your heart make music before Me. Lift your heart in a refrain of constant worship, constant praise. Do you know that praise is what fuels you? Do you know that praise empowers you to do My will? Do you know praise causes your brain to work at a higher level? Do you know that worship is your acceptable act of service to Me? But it is also for you. It keeps your mind healthy. It keeps your hands pure. It keeps your heart in a posture of humility and brings repentance to the surface as quickly as it is needed. That’s what worship does for you.

“My loving God, the harp in my heart will praise you. Your faithful heart toward us will be the theme of my song. Melodies and music will rise to you, the Holy One of Israel. I will shout and sing your praises for all you are to me— Savior, lover of my soul! I’ll never stop telling others how perfect you are, while all those who seek my harm slink away ashamed and defeated!”

Psalms‬ ‭71:22-24‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Worship makes your life more pure, more simple and clean before Me. Worship attracts My Presence and My grace. Worship protects your mind from evil, from corruption, from wandering into dark territory. Discipline your heart and your mind to stay in the zone of worship. You will notice a difference in the lightness of your spirit. You will notice a clarity in how you see things. You will notice a matter of fact approach, a very sharp, keen understanding and recognition of right and wrong. Worship cultivates discernment, because it draws My Presence near. Worship builds a fortress of protection around you. No demons tread on a vocal worshipper. Their ears can’t stand it. Their beings can’t tolerate it.

“The sun and moon will stop shining before your devoted lovers will stop worshiping; for ages upon ages the people will love and adore you! Long live this King! May the wealth of the world be laid before him. May there be ceaseless praise and prayer to him. May all the blessing be brought to him. Bless us with a bountiful harvest, with golden grain swaying on the mountain fields! May the cities be full of praising people, fruitful and filled— so that his name may be honored forever! May the fame of his name spring forth! May it shine on, like the sunshine! In him all will be blessed to bless others, and may all the people bless the One who blessed them. Praise Yahweh forever, the God of Israel! He is the one and only God of wonders, surpassing every expectation. The blazing glory of his name will be praised forever! May all the earth overflow with his glory! Faithful is our King! Amen!”

Psalms‬ ‭72:5, 15-19‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Live in an attitude and in a reality of ongoing, unceasing praise. Sing songs of the love and the goodness and faithfulness of your King. As you lift Me high, things come in to focus for you. As you exalt my Name above all names, what is petty and of little value, what is not worth your time falls to the ground — to its rightful place. Worship rearranges your heart and priorities. It puts Me first. It puts what is worthy, what is lovely, what is pure and of good reputation — these it causes to rise to the top. Live it in practice today. Begin the discipline of constant worship and praise today. See how your mind is protected. See how your heart exists in a new level of purity. See how the first things stay first. Worship your King. Cause a heart overflowing with praise to spill forth from you.

How to Respond

  • Begin a practice of ongoing worship. Play worship music in your home, car and office — any place you can play it. Let it get into your spirit and offer it as your own to the Lord.
  • Pray, Lord, thank You for the gift of worship. Thank You that You have provided worship as a gift for Your children to bring You. In the true way of an absolutely good Father, our gift to You does so much to bring life, healing, protection and grace into our own lives. Help me to live in a constant refrain of praise to You, my King. Remind me when I forget, and help me to get back on track when I trail off.
  • Declare, great is the Lord and worthy of all praise. Praise befits the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He alone is worthy of my praise. He is Lord of all, and nothing is impossible for Him. Eternity is not long enough to sing of all He has done for me.
  • Decree, My heart will sing praises to my King. I will never stop worshipping the Lord, my Savior who rescued me. There is no end to what He has done for me. Worship is the acceptable service that I can offer to my King.

For more encouragement from Glory & the New Wine, check out the post from this day in years past:
2023: The Lord Is Calling His People Out of Egypt
2022: It’s Time to Soar


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