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The Turnaround

The Lord says,
It is My pleasure, it is My will, it is My goodness – to bring the turnaround. Things that look dead, I am bringing into new life. Things that have been lost, I am bringing into light – they will be found. Dreams and hopes that have been discarded and abandoned, I’m breathing a fresh life into along with many new possibilities.

The season of change is now. The season of change is here.

Hope deferred has no place where I am. And I am here. I am on the scene. And I am changing everything.
I am changing the scene. I am changing the picture. I am doing some heavy roster clearing. And I will call up, will bring up, will raise up – elevate My own team. A new Coach is in town. And I am not only changing the players. I am changing the game. I am reestablishing the game as it was in the beginning – from the foundations. And it will now be played by My rules.

Tectonic shifts are happening. It may feel and look like upheaval and chaos. But My plan is clear. My plan is perfect. My plan will hit its mark. And My plan will bring freedom. It will restore freedom. And it will reestablish hope and creativity and wonder and awe and excitement in the hearts of many.

Those who have been downcast and used and abused, will be free. Will see the light, will find healing and purpose and joy and fulfillment. Those formerly broken will mend the broken. Because they are best equipped to know how. But I will call others in as well. This is a time of great humility in the Church. In the Body of Christ. This is a time of seeking and pursuing Me and of ready service for Me. Not for the sake of religion. I don’t care about religion. Religion is heavy and weighs people down. I care about hearts and minds. I care about freedom and the abundant life.

I made you to prosper in health, in your soul and in all things. Don’t pick up things that will weigh you down or hold you back. You were meant to fly. It’ a beautiful, remarkable time on the earth. You will be amazed at what I do.

A Fresh Wave of the Spirit

The Lord says,
Healing. I am healing the hearts of many. I am breathing new life into the walking dead. I am exchanging hearts of stone for new hearts of flesh, of love and of abandonment to Me. A fresh wave of My Spirit is moving in this country. And it will get bigger and bigger until in covers the whole land. It is bringing peace. It is bringing rest. It is snuffing out strife and division. It will take out those who are stirring up division and rancor and hate. It will wipe them off of the map. These voices of lies, of instigating evil, of promoting pain, of hate. The will be silenced.

I will replace them with sounds of worship and honor. I will replace them with men and women of truth, of a holy fear of Me and with an understanding of the weight of responsibility that they have, with their words on the airwaves. They direct spiritual traffic with their words. And they can stop and shut down evil. And they can call forth light and life and prosperity in this land. These ones I am putting in charge of the airwaves will spiritually direct the discourse of this land. And it will change the conversation. And it will change who is allowed the platform of guest. Guests of division and hate and lies and murder will not be welcome any longer. These ones in charge of the airwaves, these spiritual traffic directors will not have it. They will not give them a voice or a platform.

Oh how the tables are turning in the mountain of media. What was filthy and pro-chaos, and pro-hate, and full of lies and division, will now be ruled by My people. By My appointed ones. Some of these media houses will be shuttered for good. They will fall and fail. Others will be cleaned up and transformed for My use. It will be a dramatic change on your screens. On the TV, and on your phone and computer. Dramatic changes that seem to happen over night. It will be amazing the amount of peace that will come just from changes in this sphere. Watch.

Jesus is Resurgent

The Lord says,
Jesus. He is resurgent (adj: increasing or reviving after a period of little activity, popularity, or occurrence). His Name has been suppressed. His Name has brought division. His Name has offended many. His Name causes stress in the hearts of many. But there is about to be a great revelation of the person of Jesus. Of the power, the innate power in the Name of Jesus.

Knees will bow. Hearts will confess. Lives will be transformed. Relationships restored. Physical and emotional healings will take place. Mental illnesses will disappear in this powerful, seemingly unscheduled worldwide revelation of Jesus.

He is ultimate Truth. He is the blinding light on the road to Damascus. He is the blinding light that I have been speaking of. Truth is about to be dropped into the homes of many. Into the hearts of many. Into companies and government offices. Into places of power in all forms.

You have been asking for transformation. Jesus is the ultimate transformer. He makes all things new. His compassion His love and His delivery of the truth is what changes everything. It’s about to get really bright in here.

How to Respond?

  • Prophesy the light of the truth of Jesus.
  • Declare His goodness and His truth reign eternal.
  • Declare that the shaking is bringing change. And the chance is the Lord’s.
  • Worship. Spend time at the feet of Jesus. Reacquaint yourself with His goodness and with His person.


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