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This is the Day of Breakthrough
The Lord says,
I am a God who hears. I am a God of faithfulness and dependability. I am the God of answered prayers and promises fulfilled. My love is rushing forward like a river at full force. This is the day of breakthrough. The dam has been breached. It has been smashed open. And this is the day that the floodgate of My blessings and an outrageous abundance of My goodness come rushing forth. My goodness is gushing forth and will overtake the land. It will flood the land. My Presence is rushing in and it will bring healing, instant healing of hearts on contact – for many.

Drug addicts, gang members, single moms, and deadbeat dads. These will be touched by the weight of My Presence and the flood of My goodness. And lives and families and the world will change. I’m coming to restore hearts, and I am coming to restore the preeminence and the place of truth. I am coming to make people whole. I am coming to restore right identity, and I am coming to restore, re-establish and to newly establish families. It is coming in swiftly and it will make your head spin. It will be a Glorious Day. It will change everything. I will change everything. It will begin in a moment.

Justice Re-Established
The Lord says,
Darkness will be pushed out from the houses of justice in America. Light will come flooding in. And truth and justice will be preeminent, will be the North Star, will be the anchor. And justice will return to the land. Darkness will be swept out of these places in an instant. And light will overtake it.

Trust in justice, in true justice, will be restored. From the city courts to the Supreme Court, light and truth and justice will return; and they will sit as the judges. And they will judge. There is a permanence to it. Like this is a permanent change that is coming – not short lived justice. The Lord is establishing something strong and weighty and permanent in the realm of justice. And it will remain. And it will not waver or be moved by anything.

People of the world will stand in awe at the remarkable nature of true justice in America. And they will know that I Am God of America. And that I Am the desire of nations. Truth, justice and righteousness will draw many to see how it happens. And many will come. And many will sit at the feet of Jesus and learn, will be discipled by My harvesters. And they will bring this change to their land as well. They will return with strategies for true justice in their land, for salvation, with wild hearts full of Jesus.

I will shake the foundations of false justice in the World. Because this restoration of justice and truth, cannot be accomplished by man alone. My hand and My wisdom is needed. These world systems. Many of them, will be flipped on their heads. And I will return them to simple, straightforward – not complicated – systems. And truth and justice in all realms of governance and law can reign when the rules are clear and the system is simple.

Complexity leads to corruption. Simplicity is beautiful and pure. Most complexity, much of the complexity in systems of governance has been created to disadvantage My people. And to game the system. I am removing those things. And there will be freedom in it. Simplicity saves time. The backlog of cases and the backlog of justice can be swiftly dealt with, when there are pure judges, with a simple , straightforward approach, an ear to Me and heart for true justice. This is what I am establishing.

Clearing the Airwaves
The Lord says,
I’m breaking through spiritual walls that have led to miscommunication, to lack of communication, to wrong communication. And I am restoring clear, direct communication. This is where yes will mean yes and no will mean no. And words will mean exactly what they are. The ruler of the air has twisted communication between people. Has distorted what one person means and what the other hears. I am restoring right communication. Hearts can hear the words for what they are. They will not be intercepted and twisted any longer. Assuming the best will be the status quo. Operating from a place of assuming best intentions will be normal.

I am calling My people out of communicating and receiving from the broken place, from a place of hurt. And I am calling forth direct and clear communication. Communication with empathy and sympathy. But in this season, where I clear the airwaves, this will be an easy thing for My people to do. It will be a natural change. Because of healed hearts and because My Presence clarifies everything. I want the airwaves of your hearts to be light and airy. Clean, clear and pure. Gentle. Full of joy, ready to laugh.

The places where communication has been withheld or disrupted completely, the places where lack of communication has caused hurt and come from hurt, I am tearing down this wall. I am tearing down these walls. They are from the enemy and hinder what I want to accomplish in the earth. They hinder what I want to do in relationships and in businesses.

Words have power and I am restoring right communication, open communication, and the understanding of the power of words to My people. Words have creative force. Come and create with Me the world we desire to see. Speak life, speak hope. Speak truth. Speak kindly – to others and to yourself. Don’t give the enemy the ground of your mouth. And I will clear the airwaves. I will cut off his work there.

How to Respond

  • Look with expectation at what the Lord is about to do in the world. Many things that were happening behind the scenes will come to light.
  • Continue to declare justice, declare that truth would be acknowledged.
  • Declare the destruction of the lies and the the end of corruption and fraud.
  • Declare that the light of the Lord is breaking through, His Presence is rushing in like a flood. You will see it happen.
  • Partner with the Lord and declare a clearing of the airwaves, the disruption and destruction of the work of the work of the enemy in communications.
  • Re-establish in your heart and mind the intention to assume the best intentions of others.


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