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The Lord’s Roar Will End the Dark Dance

The Lord says, 
Covid is a tool of the enemy, but the bigger plans are infertility, a lack of ability to bear fruit — both spiritually and physically, the emasculation of men and the blurring of lines between the two genders, the breakdown of the family unit, the destruction of one’s ability to discern good vs. evil, the propagation of lawlessness, and the eating away of righteous truth.

Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Lord says, 
I Am setting many apart and calling them holy. I Am calling many to purify themselves and be holy, even as I Am holy. For where we are going is holy. The road to the future is a road that brings us into a place of holiness. The place where we are going is not like any place you have seen or been or experienced before. It is holy.

Wake Up Sleeping Bride!

The Lord says, 
My people are wasting away. Many of My people are wasting time, biding time, drifting, lost and alone, depressed and bereft and without vision for the future; listless, without hope, without a plan, without a will to do more. They move aimlessly from one day to the next, going through the motions but achieving little for themselves, their families or for My cause. Wake up!

It’s Time to Wake Up!

The Lord says, 
I Am healing. I Am doing healing of thinking, healing of perceptions, healing of understanding. The enemy has used many institutions to destroy people’s ability to think, to perceive, to discern. As the people have trained their minds to bend to the narrative of certain people, certain papers, certain institutions, their minds have lost their elasticity. They have become like mush, and they are unable to bend and snap and fire and spark when lies are told, when ridiculous, illogical statements are made, and when coverups are clear.

The Lord’s Rescue is Near

The Lord says, 
I Am thinking about the many rescue stories, the many testimonies of My people. I’m thinking of the ones who I Am moving to rescue now. I Am moving in a great, powerful way to rescue this nation and many others from the filthy, corrupt and evil ones who have held power and held the people hostage for too long. I Am moving for their rescue, for the rescue of those who have been held captive by the fraud, by the thievery, by the manipulation, the lies, the deceit and the dark deeds of others. 

Bold Young Warriors & the Restoration of Freedom

The Lord says, 
The youth will reach many for Christ in this Harvest — youth who have been raised by lovers of God, youth who have been raised in households of faith and have not lived under the hypocrisy of religious leaders, youth coming out of homes of pastors and other faith leaders who have lived uprightly, who have lived openly and honestly and not been men and women of two faces and two lives. These young leaders with earnest hearts and eyes for the Lord, who live honest lives as lovers of Jesus will reach many with the Gospel.

A Holiness Movement & The Harvest

The Lord says, 
Holiness is on My heart today — My holiness, and how I have set My people apart for Myself, for relationship, for fulfillment, for destiny, joy and abundance. Holiness, the choice of holiness, the choice of sanctification, the daily choice of setting yourself apart to be with Me, to be on My side is what makes a righteous movement. You are not alone. You are with Me, and many others besides you have chosen the good thing. They have chosen Me. Many are daily, quietly, personally choosing holiness and sanctification. They are choosing, invisibly, alongside you, to seek Me first and My righteousness; and it is My will, My promise and My good pleasure to add all of these other things to you — joy, abundance, destiny, community.

An Undeniable Move of God

The Lord says, 
Anticipation is rising in My heart today. Excitement and expectancy are rising in Me. It won’t be long now. The day will be very soon. I will surprise everyone. Get your hopes up. Rejoice and fill your soul with gladness. The day of a very major surprise is very near. It will be a day that causes many tears. It will be a day of wild, raucous, holy celebration. It will be a day where the people say, “The Lord moved. There is no other explanation. The hand of the Lord surely did this. He surely accomplished this. For us.” 

The Presence of the Lord & His Reward

The Lord says, 
This is a season where My breakthrough, the arrival of My Presence in a powerful and unparalleled way will change the hearts and lives of many. This in and of itself will be a mighty, wonderful, and glorious thing to behold and to experience. It will be the answers to many prayers, and the answers to many prayers will come in the wake of My Move. 

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