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Come Up Higher

The Lord says, 
Healing, joy, celebration, victory. Today is the day that I have made. You should rejoice and be glad in it. I made it for My purposes. I made it to serve you. Today should serve you. Did you know that the days were made to serve you, and not the other way around? Did you know I created them to serve you, not to drive you? Not to push you? Today is a gift and a servant to you. What will you do with it?

Days of Awe

The Lord says, 
I Am your rescue story. Many more will have rescue stories and consider themselves rescued by My Hand, by My grace, by My love, by My provision. Many many many will come, will humble themselves before Me, will bow in awe and wonder. This is the day of many eyes being opened for the first time, or being re-opened after years of blindness to Me. This is the day of many hearts being set free.

Jesus Loves the Little Children

The Lord says, Genesis. I’m going back to the beginning. To where it all started. To the shapeless formless void. Do you know why I called it a void? Because you were not there with Me. I desire to be with you. And that void in your life is the space I created for Me. We were meant to be together.

Today is the Day of Breakthrough

The Lord says, I Am fulfilling promises. I Am sending, delivering answers to promises by the hands of My messenger and delivery agents, angels, today. There are many, and their arms are full of gifts and surprises - which are actually answers to prayers - answers to your prayers and answers to prayers others have prayed for you. It is My delight that today will be a day of breakthrough for many.

Winds of Change

The Lord says, My spring rain is starting. This is My spring rain for My spring and summer harvest. We think about fall being the season of harvest, but I Am always bringing forth a harvest - different harvests in different seasons. The harvest now is going to be a very sweet one, a very plentiful one. This harvest will weight down trucks, will bring much joy and celebration to the harvesters and to the people.

Clearing the Decks

The Lord says, 
Purity and innocence. I long to see My children return to a place of purity and innocence. I long for them to live in pure joy, with clean and open, unbroken, uncorrupted hearts; with eyes of wonder, full of faith; with minds filled with beautiful, worthy, clean things.

Rest & Adventure

The Lord says, 
Grace and favor for My people. I’m moving in grace and favor over My people, on behalf of My people. I will touch them with tangible expressions of My grace and favor, and they will be surprised and they will feel it and receive it as My love moving in their life.

Grace & Surprises

The Lord says, 
Patience. I’m breathing patience and grace and life on those who don’t know Me yet. Those who have been lied to, believe lies, live in ways that don’t serve or benefit them. To these I Am extending a heart of grace and compassion. I am beckoning them in.

On the Right Track

The Lord says, 
I’m getting to work. The end of My patience has been reached. My cups of patience have gone dry. My heart of compassion and love for My people is moving, is expanding, is overwhelming. And My love, My move will overwhelm the wicked. My move will overcome the wicked. My move is like a wave crashing over the world. And it will cause many hearts to be changed and will cause many eyes to look up. It will cause many to exalt My Name. And it will cut off the wicked below the knees.

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