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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 68
1 John 4:7-5:5
Revelation 22:11-17
Acts 10:34-48
Isaiah 14:1-23

O God, my King, your triumphal processions keep moving onward in holiness; you’re moving onward toward the Holy Place! Leaders in front, then musicians, with young maidens in between striking their tambourines. And they sing, “Let all God’s princely people rejoice! Let all the congregations bring their blessing to God, saying, ‘The Lord of the fountain! The Lord of the fountain of life! The Lord of the fountain of Israel!’” Astonishingly, it’s the favored youth leading the way, princes of praise in their royal robes, and exalted princes are among them, along with princes who have wrestled with God.

Psalm 68:24-27

A Radical Youth-Led Movement of the Pure Gospel

The Lord says,
The youth will reach many for Christ in this Harvest — youth who have been raised by lovers of God, youth who have been raised in households of faith and have not lived under the hypocrisy of religious leaders, youth coming out of homes of pastors and other faith leaders who have lived uprightly, who have lived openly and honestly and have not been men and women of two faces and two lives. These young leaders with earnest hearts and eyes for the Lord who live honest lives as lovers of Jesus will reach many with the Gospel.

Many will be drawn to them, and many will come to hear their words. Many will come to see them saying, “How is it possible to live this lifestyle of purity, without the fear of man, without self-loathing, without bowing to peer pressure and competition, gossip and the god of image? How is it possible to be pure and holy? How is it possible to be single-minded, not two-faced, not living from fear, not bowing to the god of self-image, of social media, of approval? How is it possible to be one single person, undivided in heart, and mind, unafraid and unashamed?
They will say, they will desire, they will deeply and earnestly crave to know — “How is this possible? How can I have this? How can I live like this? How can I have the confidence, the assurance, the relief that comes with this lifestyle of boldness, of purity, of holiness? What is this life? Is it attainable? How can I have it?”

And the youth will come in droves, by the tens of thousands and more. They will come desiring a new way, desiring relief from the pressures and the internal voices of condemnation and criticism. They will come, and these young faith leaders will preach the gospel fearlessly, without mixture. They will live lives of purity and strength and confidence, walking in holy assurance of the Lord God Most High. They will be children of the Spirit, moved by His ways and touched by His heart. They will be compassionate and radical. And they will tear down the strongholds built by darkness in their generation.

These fearless youth leaders will be worshippers; they will be full of joy and unapologetic. They will carry joy and the power for transformation in their hands and their lips. Their songs will terrify the enemy, and he will flee from them; because there will be no wavering, no mixture, no interest in the enemy’s temptations in their hearts. These are holiness-minded, God-focused wild worshippers. They will carry the mantles of David and John the Baptist. They will refuse the fear of man, and they will lead with integrity, with truth and in righteousness. Their boldness will stun the older generations, and it will convict them as well. These young leaders will teach the older generations how to shrug off the fear of man and run fearlessly into enemy territory, because all they see is gain. There is no loss when the Lord is on your side. This is the lion heart of David in this young generation of leaders. Theirs is the sound of a pure bell — hearts of worship from a place of purity and from a deep anchoring in the pure Gospel — with no mixture and no need for fanfare. The truth and the Holy Spirit are all the conviction, all the story that are needed.

These young leaders will march to a different drumbeat. They will be of one heart and one mind, just like the early church. They will advance and conquer places occupied by darkness They will be known for their unity, their boldness, their purity and their love of the pure Gospel. Don’t hold them back. Don’t try to instill fear in them. Let them run with Me. Don’t clip their wings, and don’t weigh them down. I have great exploits and adventures for them. Raise them up to fly.


The Lord says,
I Am moving to break through and restore freedom. I Am moving to bring freedom. What has gotten us here? A lack of fear and respect of Me, to put it simply.
People have loved themselves, money and power more than Me and more than the people, and that has gotten us to this point. But I Am tearing those things away. Even today.

I can rip them to pieces — these man made constructs that restrict freedom and oppress the people — and I am moving to do just that. You have been crying out for freedom. You have been crying out, and I have heard your prayers and seen your tears. Freedom will be restored in America. And the beacon of freedom will once again be lifted up atop this city on a hill for the world to see. Freedom will not die at the hands of greedy and corrupt men and women. It will break forth in a way that terrifies those working to restrict and oppress. Those living to control others will be apoplectic. They will spin in circles and stutter with fear and confusion as they see My move of freedom break through in the land. They will fall, and I will rise. Freedom will rise. The light of truth will rise in the land, and it will be glorious.

Your Part in Restoring Freedom

The Lord says,
Continue to chase down the enemy and the darkness. Continue to run after the enemy and flush him out of your territory. Do this by worship. Do this with your voice in your home, in your community and nation. Sing the chorus demanding freedom. Partner with Me. Join your heart to Mine, and I will break through. I will bring freedom to this land once again in a powerful, mighty, unexpected, unparalleled way. This freedom will stand. This freedom will be protected by mighty warriors of Mine, mighty warriors of truth and faith. Do not allow freedom to be captured or beaten down and diminished ever again. For whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Fight for and defend that freedom.

I will do it again. I will bring freedom again, and then it is yours to sustain — to protect and to guard with all fierceness. Yes, I have heard your cries, and I will do it again.

How to Respond

  • Seek the Lord for how you can encourage, mentor, teach and catalyze the youth in your life, in your church, in your home. He has called them to be a generation that makes great exploits for the Kingdom. Seek the Lord for how you can ensure that they are well equipped.
  • Pray for the youth and the young leaders among them. Pray that they fall in love with Jesus and are pure, holy and bold followers of His.
  • Declare that the youth are pulling down enemy strongholds over their generation and conquering issues and habits that seem insurmountable.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving to restore freedom for America and the world.
  • Ask the Lord what your part is in continuing to advance the cause of freedom.
  • Worship with a pure heart — loudly, powerfully and often. It causes the enemy to stumble and to flee.


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