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Innocent, Razor-Sharp Ones Are Ascending to the High Places & They Will Take Out the Trash

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I keep My little ones nestled to My chest. Do I send them out in the fire? Into the battle? Yes. All the while, they have unfettered access to My heart, My voice, My protection, My wisdom and My instruction. Many are leaving the nest now. Many are marching right out of the nest and flying. My grace is present like a strong but gentle breeze enabling them to fly, to soar, to rise up even higher.

The Sound of Cymbals Will Release Justice in the Earth

This morning when I asked the Lord what was on His heart, He said justice, and it sounded like a cymbal when He said it. When I asked Him to help me understand, the Spirit of the Lord said,
An instrument of praise will be used to bring justice. He directed me to look cymbals up in the Bible. Interestingly almost every instance of the mention of cymbals was related to worship that involved David or was in the manner that David instructed.

Prepare the Way for King Jesus!

This morning as I was sitting and waiting for the Lord to speak to me about what was on His heart today, I felt a leap in my spirit. It was a leap of excitement, anticipation and eager longing. I thought this must be a small taste of what Elizabeth, Mary’s aunt, felt when John the Baptist lept inside her womb as Mary arrived pregnant, carrying the Savior of the world inside of her.

The Lord Will Restore All

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The forces of darkness will be overcome. I will blow them in like a gentle but powerful spring storm that brings a great clearing to the land — washing the toxic waste and the darkness from the land and the streets. I Am bringing healing. I will heal your land.

Truth Is A Lightning Rod for Justice

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Justice comes from truth. Without truth, there is no justice. Truth is like a lightning rod for My justice. Lightning rods of truth all around the world will experience the powerful, irreversible striking of My justice on their lives — enabling them and empowering them to be carriers of justice.

The Lord Will Overcome the Darkness

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
My grace is sufficient for you. My grace is sufficient for change. From where you are standing, all you can see is the gray wall in front of you. Things look bleak, and you have no visibility. Reach out for My hand, and take a few steps back with Me. You will look out upon a great wide vista. You will see a breathtaking view, and you will realize that things aren’t as dark as you thought.

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