A New Identity & New Adventures Season
The Spirit of the Living God says,
My grace is upon you for adventures. My grace is upon you to try something new, to do something new, to be something new. This is a time of shedding old identities, shedding old professional titles. For many this is a season of new identity, new adventure, new pursuit and new challenges.
These Are Days for Ferocious Faith
The Spirit of the Living God says,
This is a time for pulsating, energetic, forward-moving faith. This is not time for quiet, timid, back pew faith. This is time for aggressive, loud, ferocious faith that can tear demons to shreds. I’m looking for faith that will intimidate the enemy.
A Call to Ascend the Hill of the Lord
The Spirit of the Living God says,
I’m looking for people who pursue Me in purity and in truth. These I will lead up My holy mountain. I desire those who worship in purity and in truth to come up higher. I will lead them higher. I will lead the to My secret dwelling place, where they can find refuge in the Rock that I Am.
A Time of Commissioning & the Bestowing of Ambassador’s Rights
The Spirit of the Living God says,
I’m working through My sent ones, and Many will receive and accept new assignments. I’m commissioning people for new races. I’m sending people on new assignments. I’m green lighting work and projects and family that has been held up and steeping in hearts for years. This is the time I Am giving these assignments and sending many with new instruction, with Ambassador’s rights to take territory that had previously been locked to them.
This Year Will Be Marked by a Shaking and a Great Roller Coaster Ride
The Spirit of the Living God says,
My grace is sufficient for change, for striking change. Striking change is coming to the world. Striking change is coming to hearts. Striking change is coming to eyes. Striking change will open ears. It will be that the shaking causes the doors of hearts to open. It will be that the shaking causes the scales and wrong lenses to fall from people’s eyes.
The Compromise of the Church Will Be Burned Up This Year
The Spirit of the Living God says,
It’s time for the Church to abandon its lovers, its compromise and return to its first love. It’s time to return to the rock from which you were hewn and remember who you are, whose you are and why you are here. You’re not mean to look like the world. You’re not meant to smell like the world.
Hold Onto Faith
The Spirit of the Living God says,
Hold onto faith amidst doubt. Hold onto faith with a strong unbreakable grip. You will learn things that break your heart. You will learn things and see things and be told things that defy understanding. Horrors and dark secrets will start spilling out that cause you to tremble, that cause you to shudder, that cause you to weep.
With Faith You Are Always Victorious
The Spirit of the Living God says,
Faith cedes control to God. Fear cedes control to the enemy. Fear gives you the false sense of control, but all it does is lead to compromise, to short-changing the outcome. Faith acknowledges that you are not in control. It puts all the chips on the table and says, here Dad, I’ve done all I can. The outcome is up to you.