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Warriors of Light, Arise!

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
This is a war season, but it does not have to be doom and gloom. I have placed in your heart the fight. I have placed in your heart the desire to fight, to conquer, to occupy and to win. I have given you the heart of a warrior, and the battle belongs to Me. The battle is Mine. The glory is Mine. The victory is Mine and for those with Me.

A Different Kind of Storm & Apostles Are As Silos of Blessing

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
I won’t fail you. It’s not who I Am. It’s not in My nature. I simply don’t ever fail. I don’t. I do not fail. My faithfulness has been seen and lived and experienced through generations. Why would I fail now? I won’t. I won’t fail you. I won’t leave you. I won’t forsake you. I’ll never lie to you. I’ll never leave you. And I’ll never lose. My grace is sufficient for you. My anointing is sufficient for you.

A Warring Season of Irreversible Change

The Spirit of the Living God says, 
These are days of irreversible change. These are days of unapologetically and unhesitatingly plowing forward, pushing the day forward into the future. These are days of setting the table, so you can eat a great banquet feast in the presence of your enemies. This is a time of a great usurpation. I Am the God of Jacob. I lead the turnaround.

This Is the Turnaround

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
Jesus. The Name of Jesus sets men free. My grace is upon you for the turning. My grace is upon you for the turning back to the start. I will U-turn this nation. I will U-turn the world. It will come in the name of Jesus. This turnaround will come, this U-turn will happen in the name of Jesus.

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