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This Is Spirit War

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am letting down ladders from Heaven for the angelic to move swiftly to many locations on the Earth. These are strategic portals for strategic weaponry carried by My angel armies. The strike forces are here. The strike forces have arrived. They have full access to the locations I have ordained.

The Opportunity That You Have Prayed for Is Here. It Requires Wise Stewardship.

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
The transition is here. The transition is delivered. I have dropped it via personal delivery to your home. Change is here. New complications of blessing are here. What you’ve prayed for is here. The corporate change is here, and the personal change is here. It’s a lot of transition and a lot of change to navigate. You must not only navigate it, you must manage it well.

You Are the Flood of Righteousness

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I Am trustworthy. I Am reliable. I never lie. I never leave. I never fail. I Am the God who protects you. I uphold you with My righteous right hand. Whom or what shall you fear? I will lead you in triumph. I will lead you in victory. I will lead you in a righteous celebration of righteous leadership and overcoming. Righteousness shall prevail.

From Glory to Glory

The Spirit of the Lord says, 
I’m taking My people from glory to glory. I’m giving large leap-like advances in a single move. You are coming into advancement. You are coming into promotion. You are taking a giant leap forward. This is not a time to stay comfortable or to be complacent.

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