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Love, Faith & The Impossible

The Lord says, 
Love does. Love looks like something. Love is not just a feeling or a fleeting emotion that you can fall into and out of. Love is a choice. Love is an action. Love is a cold cup of water. Love is a hug for a stranger. Love is looking people in the eyes and seeing their pain, acknowledging their plight. Love is a posture, a lifestyle and a choice.

A Call to Live in Contagious Joy

The Lord says, 
Live a lifestyle of joy. Live a lifestyle above the storm and the waves of adversity. Live a lifestyle where circumstances don’t dictate your attitude, your personality or your character. That’s what I’m looking for. That’s what I’m calling for. That’s what I’m setting before you. Choose joy. Choose Me. Choose the more real reality of Me, of being seated in Heavenly Places, of your identity in Christ. Choose joy.

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