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Great Grace for Change is Here

The Lord says, 
I see My faithful ones. They are strong. They are bold. They are standing, and they are growing in number. Many are returning to Me as the foundation and the anchor upon which they build their life, their values, their future. I Am the only sure and solid foundation. And My faithful ones are building on Me even now.

Stand. Occupy. Pray.

The Lord says, 
I Am here, through all the good times and all the bad times. I Am here with you. Such joy fills My heart, such pride swells within Me when I see you standing tall, standing firm. Don’t give up. Don’t relent. Don’t give in. Stand your ground. This is what it means to occupy.

Truth and Freedom Will Burst Forth

The Lord says, 
I don’t stop. I haven’t stopped. I’ve never stopped fighting for you. One day, all fighting, enmity and strife will cease. But that is not yet. That is not now. That is not today.

Today we are still at war. Today I Am with you in the fight for truth, justice, righteousness, purity, morality and to ensure that the children remain innocent of evil.

This is War

The Lord says, 
My heart is for My people, and My desire is for deep, personal intimate connection — unbroken, constant connection with My people. My desire is to be loved, to be seen, to be desired by the people. My desire is that the people would wake up and see and understand and hear and perceive what is really going on around them, that they would have a revelation of Who I Am.

Cling to the Lord & Resist the Enemy

The Lord says, 
My love is seeing you through the chaos, the confusion, the attacks and the intrusions into your personal life. My love and My grace are carrying you through all of this. The stress, the anger, the constant fighting defense, the frustrations, I see them all. They are as real to Me as they are to you. I see what you are experiencing, how you are trying to stay focused on the most important things — on Me, on faith, on what’s right, on defending truth and protecting freedom.

Finding Paradise in the Lord

The Lord says, 
The simple pleasures of life in Me are not far from you. They are not out of reach. They are in close proximity and they are attainable and free. You can find paradise in Me, in nature, in adventure, in rest and relaxing. It doesn’t require great expense or time to get to a place of communion with Me, a place of enjoyment in Me. Heaven is near. My Kingdom is near. We are nearly there.

Wind in the Sails of the Faithful

The Lord says, 
My faithfulness, My grace and mercy, My steadfastness — these are immutable truths, unchanging characteristics of Who I Am, and they are for you. My hand of mercy, grace, love, truth, joy, light and righteousness is reaching out to you. You are not alone. I Am here with My hand outstretched to you. I long for you to lift your eyes up, pick your chin up, seek Me and My righteousness.

A Tsunami of Favor

The Lord says, 
I Am calling to My people and desire a response. My heart is calling out to your heart. Will you respond? I Am calling to draw you near. I Am calling to remove your fears. I Am calling you to draw near to My heart. I desire for you to know Me and to see Me for Who I really Am. So many have lied about Me.

Prepare the Way of the Lord

The Lord says, 
I Am setting many apart and calling them holy. I Am calling many to purify themselves and be holy, even as I Am holy. For where we are going is holy. The road to the future is a road that brings us into a place of holiness. The place where we are going is not like any place you have seen or been or experienced before. It is holy.

Do Not Grow Weary of Doing What Is Right

The Lord says, 
The battle belongs to Me indeed. But there is work for you to do. This is not a sit on the sidelines game. This is a war, and all must put on their armor, gear up and run into the fight. I have called you to different places in the battlefield, to different purposes, but we all have the same goal — to defeat the enemy, to defeat the powers of darkness that have overtaken this land. Do not grow weary of doing what is right.

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