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The Storm is Near

The Lord says, 
The season is about to shift very quickly. It is about to be an abrupt season change, a major, huge pivot. And it will be disorienting, and it may feel alarming and unsettling and and urgent. You are already in a season of low visibility, and so too will the next season be one of low visibility. In this season, it has been very difficult to see inches in front of your face. I Am bringing some moments to this next season where you will be able to see clearly.

Identification with Jesus and the Preaching of the Pure Gospel

The Lord says, 
I Am ratcheting up the desire of the faithful ones, of the believers — for Jesus, for identification with Jesus. I Am intensifying their desire to know Him, to walk with Him, to learn about Him, to dig into the Scriptures. I Am causing the flame in their hearts to grow and burn hotter and hotter for Jesus. They will be filled with an insatiable hunger to know Him more, to abide with Him, to dwell in His Presence and to walk in purity, as it pleases Him.

Grace for Overcoming is Here

The Lord says, 
I Am moving in timid hearts. I Am the King of Hearts. Make Me the King of yours. I Am making joy abound. I Am filling hearts with joy that doesn’t match circumstances - it’s a very stark contrast to circumstances. I Am bringing joy and causing joy to well up. It is from this wellspring that hope and action and advancing come. It is this joy that brings fresh life and energy and perspective. It is because of the infusion of this joy that you can run unhindered and with full confidence and conviction into the battle ahead.

The Victory of Light Over Darkness

The Lord says, 
I Am blending up and mixing drinks of victory, drinks of nourishment, drinks of sweet, sweet celebration. In the tropics, the sunlight kisses your skin, and your skin has a reaction. Your skin bears witness that you have been in the light. So too will My people, who have been standing and dwelling in the secret place with Me, so too will those who have newly sought Me, so too will those who have an unexpected encounter with Me - all will bear witness.

A Time of Joy and the Awakening Giant

The Lord says, 
Joy is on My heart. Where the enemy seeks to bring discouragement, destruction, disillusionment and defeat, I say no. I say, choose joy. I say receive the gift of joy that I freely give. Operate in a way that is opposite to the negative, and horrible and tragic things you see, opposite to the circumstances you find yourself in. Operate in joy and thanksgiving. These are the greatest signals to the enemy that he has been defeated.

Make Room for Freedom

The Lord says, 
Just as a sailboat floats on the water, and lifts its sails to glide, just as an eagle takes flight with one powerful flap of its wings, so is life in the Spirit. It is not a life of stress, anxiety, handwringing and running in circles. It is not a lifestyle of fretting. It is walking in security, confidence, authority and faith. It’s having certainty that the Lord is guiding you and He’s walking right beside you.

It’s Time for Authority & Action

The Lord says, 
I’m moving in people’s hearts today. Their hearts are connected to their eyes. Their eyes see what their hearts believe and desire. I have told you that the heart is deceitful above all else (Jeremiah 17:9). There are many days, many instances when you should not trust your heart, your feelings. You can’t trust feelings, because feelings are not truth. Feelings are feelings. They can be moved and tossed by small events, large events and other people’s moods and spiritual conditions.

A Great Spiritual Clash

The Lord says, 
The drumbeat is getting louder. The clash is getting more intense and more visible. The clash between good and evil, light and darkness, life and death. These are the forces that are clashing in the spiritual realm, and it is playing out before your very eyes on the Earth in real time.

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