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On May 7th, 2021 I heard from the Lord about red lightning being a sign that the storm is near – meaning large scale exposure of evil.

Watch for signs in the sky. Watch for strange warnings in the sky. Red lightning. Strange storms and strange signs in the sky will tell you that the storm is coming, that it is near.

On May 18th, 2021 I learned about a first confirmation of this word in Guiyang, China. Guiyang a city that is known for the persecution of Christians, the development of big data surveillance that enables tight government control of citizens, and it is home to the company that partners with Apple in censorship of the Chinese people. (Read first confirmation here.)

On July 31st, 2021 I learned about a second sighting of rare red lightning in Manitoba, Canada. Manitoba was home to one of the residential schools for indigenous children that has been exposed for systemic abuse, including sexual abuse. These residential schools have recently been in the news as a multitude of unmarked graves of children have been discovered on their grounds. (Read my post here.)

On September 15th, 2021 a third confirmation of the red lightning word was reported in Christchurch, New Zealand. At that time, the main news out of NZ was the severe COVID 19 restrictions by the state on citizens – some of the strictest globally. Measures included border closures, the banning of interstate travel, contract tracing, the requirement of COVID vaccine certificates to gain entry to public places, mandated social distancing, outdoor mask mandates in public places, and a requirement for international travelers to quarantine at a state quarantine facility. (Read here.)

And recently another display of red lightning was captured on May 20, 2022 in Tibet. (Story here.)

A few key excerpts from the story:

Two photographers from the Ningxia Hui autonomous region successfully captured images of rare red sprite lightning clusters in the Himalaya.

“It was a great surprise to shoot the red sprite lightning clusters,” said photographer Dong Shuchang. “We were all shocked. This may be the largest of these clusters ever seen in the country.”

The clusters appeared to be densely packed, he said. The phenomenon appeared about every two minutes, with four or five consecutive lightning flashes sometimes appearing in a single frame.

Human rights violations in Tibet have been globally recognized for decades, namely religious persecution of the Tibetan Buddhist population. Recently the Chinese government has used COVID-19 as a pretext for separating Tibetan families and forcibly moving those with “possible exposure to COVID” to state-operated “quarantine” facilities.

Below are a few articles that describe the kinds of human rights violations and persecution that are happening in Tibet at the hands of the Chinese government.

The first article reveals that the extraordinary persecution Tibetans are facing for their religious beliefs has led to a huge spike in suicides among the persecuted.

How to Respond

  • Pray, Lord we ask that you deliver justice and freedom of religion for the people of Tibet and for all of those living in China and under the rule or influence of the Chinese government. Lord we ask that your gospel and the transformative power of Jesus reaches many more people in China, especially those who are facing extreme persecution. We ask for the gospel to touch those in positions of power in China — even the persecutors. We declare that many Sauls will become Pauls in China — even in the ranks of the CCP.
  • Declare, the Lord is exposing the evil being done to all people across the world. He hates all evil, and He is shining a light, so that we can partner with Him and His angels to bring down the strongholds of wickedness, control and darkness that are operating in these places.
  • Decree, we stand in agreement with the Lord that He created all men and women, and He created them to be free. The Lord is releasing warrior angels to deliver freedom in this season, and they will be victorious. Freedom comes from the light of the truth. So we release the light of the truth over Tibet, over all of China, over New Zealand and over Canada. We release the light of the truth over America and over the whole world.


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