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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 75-76
Hebrews 12
John 8:12
Isaiah 26

The earth was rocked at the sound of His voice from the mountain, but now He has promised, “Once and for all I will not only shake the systems of the world, but also the unseen powers in the heavenly realm!” Now this phrase, “once and for all” clearly indicates the final removal of things that are shaking, that is, the old order, so only what is unshakeable will remain. Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakeable kingdom we should be extremely thankful and offer God the purest worship that delights his heart as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender, filled with awe. For our God is a holy, devouring fire!

Hebrews 12:26-29

The Pleasure of the Lord

The Lord says,
I’m in a good mood. I Am moving. I Am hovering. What is happening in the world has not escaped My notice or attention. But what I Am pleased with, what is bringing Me great pleasure, is the increased unity of the Body of Christ. I see a great increase in the unity today. Your voices are raising up to Me in unison today, and your prayers are rising to Me like a beautiful fragrance of incense. This is a tender moment of unity, brokenness and earnest seeking. I see it. I see your tears, I see your concerns, your worries and your fear for the future – for your children, for this country and the world. I see the unity of humility and perseverance in seeking Me, seeking My face, My answers, My move. And this is a very beautiful and pleasing sight. It has been many many years since I have seen and experienced this level of unity, this level of humility, this level of seeking Me in earnest.

The falseness, the glibness, the showiness has run out. Those who spoke in that way have either turned serious or fallen out of the pack. Those voices have moved on to something else, they’ve stopped pretending they are part of the seeking for Me in this time. Those false voices are being drowned out by a greater unity and a loud cry for Me, for truth, for rescue, for restoration. There is a very low tolerance among those in this true chorus for cheap words, for bumper sticker sayings, for the feel good, for storytelling. Instead they desire the powerful truth, the life changing, tangible truth of the pure and unadulterated Gospel. The self-help voices and the pat you on the back voices, these have grown distasteful and foul in the mouths of My true worshippers. During this time of seeking My face, during this time, when looking for the deeper things, of looking for truth to hold onto, in looking for something real and powerful, those sweet sounding words have turned sour in the mouths of My true worshippers.

Tribe of True Believers

The Lord says,
This growing tribe of true believers, true worshippers – I Am equipping to receive a mighty and tremendous harvest. I Am cleansing hearts and minds. I Am restoring the value and desire for purity and an interest only in words that ring true. These ones have no time and no interest in sweet sayings and and feel good narratives. They have eyes only for the the Gospel of power, of truth, of transformation – of Christ Jesus – and Him resurrected.

These pure ones, I Am causing them to clear their schedules, to clear out the busyness, to clear out the excess and the meaningless things, the unfruitful things, the unbeneficial relationships, the unprofitable and often filthy tv shows, much of the news, much of the voices who are not pure and don’t have eyes for Me – these are all getting cleared from their schedules, from their eyes and ears. I Am causing a deep hunger for the things of Me and a great dissatisfaction and a great distaste for the vulgar, the profane, the impure. My people are cleansing their minds, their ears, their eyes and their schedules. And I will use it. This is a time of a great cleansing and equipping – because these true believers, these cleansed believers with an upright heart, they will be the ones to reap the Great Harvest of the Great Awakening.

These are the ones who will be at the ready to receive, to counsel, to disciple, to befriend the many many many who will be joining this mighty company of believers. It will grow and multiply at a tremendous rate. And these mighty believers, anchored in Me, with eyes and ears and a heart for Me will have a lot of work to do in this Great Awakening.
There will be cause for much celebration, for much joy, for a great sense of awe at what I have done. But I need, I require eyes on fire believers who are not swayed by popular opinion, not by feel good messages, but only by the the truth of the Blood of Jesus. These stalwarts of the faith will be key in reaping the harvest, discipling the new believers and and moving this era forward.

Tectonic Shifts

The Lord says,
I Am making tectonic shifts happen. I Am moving major pieces into place. Those who are doing works of evil and who are driving this intense level of wickedness, spreading these wicked ideas and warping the minds of many – they are so busy with their wicked schemes that they cannot see My moves. They cannot see that their time is up. But I Am moving the pieces in such a way that these evil ones fall off of the board. The ground underneath them will move, and they will not move with it. They will fall off the board, into the abyss. In one move, one swift move of My hand. I will do it. And the world will look on in awe.

The awe will be marked by a mighty almost deafening silence.
The media – those left, will be silent; the politicians – those left, will be silent. There will be an intense gravity and awe in the earth. And for the first time in a very long time, the chatter, the incessant noise, the rancor will cease. And there will be a silence that covers the earth like a blanket as the world looks on in awe, struggling to grasp the sea change that they have just witnessed.

How to Respond

  • Pray for and declare the unity of the Body of Christ in this hour.
  • Thank the Lord for the way He is drawing you in to Himself, the way that He is purifying your heart and your eye and ear gates and your schedule. Give Him permission to do that in a deeper way.
  • Ask the Lord what else you need to do to be ready and equipped for the Great Harvest of His Great Awakening. Ask for a sneak peek of what your role will be.
  • Spend time in worship. Fill your home with the sounds of worship.
  • Rediscover an old game that you love to play – and play it today. Find connection with your friends or family in it, and find deep, hysterical belly laughs.


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