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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 59-60
Isaiah 59-60

16 But as for me, your strength shall be my song of joy.
At each and every sunrise, my lyrics of your love will fill the air!
For you have been my glory-fortress,
a stronghold in my day of distress.
17 O my strength, I sing with joy your praises.
O my stronghold, I sing with joy your song!
O my Savior, I sing with joy the lyrics of your faithful love for me!

Psalm 59:16-17

The Lord says,
Where we are going will be better than you ever dreamed. In just a moment, you’ll see that everything has changed, and that it’s become better than you ever dreamed. Days are coming when all these current troubles are gone. You have to live in the here and now, but peer with Me over this time into where we are going.

18 Threats of violence will no longer be heard in your land,
nor will destruction and ruin be found within your borders.
You will name your walls Salvation
and your gates Praise.

Isaiah 60:18

We’re going to days of great restoration, to days of great vibrancy and life, filled and overflowing with Holy Spirit. We are going to days of bright blue skies, of unity, where righteousness and justice stand as reliable pillars of society, where safety is much, much, much less of a concern, where community is close knit and beautifully woven together. We have to get through here to get to there. We have to pass through these waist deep waters of adversity and trials. But the days of overcoming, overturning and uncontainable joy are just ahead. The days of rebuilding and renewal — where deep and overflowing love for Me and for one another rules the day — are just ahead.

12 With God’s help we will fight like heroes,
and he will trample down our every foe!

Psalm 60:12

The roar must come first. The roar, the war cry, the resounding deafening roar that says, “we cannot and will not tolerate this great darkness anymore!!” The roar is in your throats even now. It has been building and building, and the boiling point has come. As this roar reaches your lips and escapes your mouths in unison, the spirit world will be put on notice. They will be put on high alert. You will have reminded them that you are sons and daughters of the Most High King, that you will not slink back and be dominated, oppressed, abused and defeated any longer. Can you feel the roar rising in your spirit even now?

10 The God of passionate love will meet with me.
My God will empower me to rise in triumph over my foes.

Psalm 59:10

Where we are going will be so different, so much purer, cleaner, freer, that you will look back and say, “it was all worth it. It was more than worth it.” So push through. Stand firm. And run forward. Advance with an ear-splitting war cry roar. Put the darkness on notice. Terrify it, and cause it to flee.

War with your words — your declarations, your worship, your decrees, your prophecies and the promises I have given you. Put on the full armor of God and go out confidently to battle. I Am your front and rear guard. Whom or what shall you fear? Run out into the battle. Make your presence known and your voice heard. You are fighting for your future and for that of many upcoming generations. Rise up. Use your voice. Be heard.

60 “Rise up in splendor and be radiant, for your light has dawned,
and Yahweh’s glory now streams from you!
2 Look carefully! Darkness blankets the earth,
and thick gloom covers the nations,
but Yahweh arises upon you
and the brightness of his glory appears over you!

Isaiah 60:1-2

Sing. Let your victory songs confuse the enemy. Let your songs of gladness and thanksgiving fill the air and cause confusion, disarray, mistakes and mutiny in the camp of the enemy. Let your bright countenance and your heart full of gladness cause fear and confusion in the camp of the enemy. Walk and speak as if the victory is already won. I have won it, you know that. Carry yourself as a victor, as a valiant victorious warrior. Confuse the camp of the enemy, and watch the darkness flee.

How to Respond

  • Lift high your songs of victory.
  • Sing songs of worship, thanksgiving and praise to the Lord.
  • Live geared up in the full armor of God.
  • Defeat the negative thoughts and the suggestions and lies of the enemy with the words of scripture, with the prophecies that the Lord has given you and the promises He has made to you. Not one will fail. The Lord never fails.
  • Encourage yourself in the Lord, and stir up hope, faith, excitement and cause your face to shine with the light of the Presence of the Lord.
  • Declare, the Lord has won. The enemy has been defeated. We are no longer living in occupied territory.


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