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Today’s Readings:
Psalm 96-98
John 1:1-18

10 Listen, you lovers of God! Hate evil,
for God can keep you from wrong
and protect you from the power of wickedness.
11 For he sows seeds of light within his devoted lovers,
and seeds of joy burst forth for the lovers of God!
12 So be glad and continue to give him thanks,
for God’s holiness is seen in everything he does.

Psalm 97:10-12

The Lord says,
Do you feel that budding of anticipation in your heart, in your spirit? Soon it will burst forth with color and vibrancy and with the fragrance of worship to Me. Stir up the gladness in your heart. Stir up the anticipation, the excitement, the hope, and the joy. Stir it up, for I will do wonders among you. Put on holiness. Purify your heart and mind. Watch and wait, because I will move things to the right. I will establish things in the right. And I will build a stronghold of righteousness in the right.

9 Look! Here he comes! The Lord and judge of all the earth!
He’s coming to make things right and to do it fair and square.
And everyone will see that he does all things well!

Psalm 98:9

Quiet yourself. Feel the anticipation rising in your heart. This is from Me. I will accomplish what I said I would do. I Am holy, and I Am not a man that I should lie. I Am moving, and I will establish a great stronghold of righteousness in the right.

11–12 Let the skies sing for joy! Let the earth join in the chorus.
Let oceans thunder and fields echo this ecstatic praise
until every swaying tree of every forest joins in,
lifting up their songs of joyous praise to him!
13 For here he comes, the Lord God,
and he’s ready to judge the world.
He will do what’s right and can be trusted
to always do what’s fair.

Psalm 96:11-13

I Am causing love and gladness to swell in the hearts of My people. I Am causing excitement and anticipation to rise — eager expectation of good. I Am causing hope to rise and curiosity of what the future will hold. As you sit with Me, as you dream with Me, I will give you a glimpse of what is to come. I will give you the ability to peer over the boundaries of the present into what I Am doing and what is to come. Take heart, and be of very good cheer. Don’t fight the joy and the anticipation of this season. They will not be disappointed.

9 For the perfect Light of Truth was coming into the world
and shine upon everyone.
10 He entered into the world he created,
yet the world was unaware.
11 He came to the people he created—
to those who should have received him,
but they did not recognize him.
12 But those who embraced him and took hold of his name
he gave authority to become
the children of God!
13 He was not born by the joining of human parents
or from natural means, or by a man’s desire,
but he was born of God.
14 And so the Living Expression
became a man and lived among us!
We gazed upon his glory,
the glory of the One and Only
who came from the Father overflowing
with tender mercy and truth!

John 1:9-14

I Am dwelling amongst My people. I Am being invited in as a guest in many homes, and in many of these I will be invited to stay permanently. Christmas will have a very significant meaning this year. Christmas will be celebrated for the right reasons, with great hearts of humility and gratitude and abounding joy for Jesus this year.

The world will look different this Christmas. The air will be clearer, the atmosphere lighter, the spirit brighter this Christmas. Don’t let gloom, loss, past hurts or fear of disappointment cause you not to embrace this season — this celebration of Jesus and family, of unity, salvation and transformation. Embrace it. Embrace the festivities, the lights, the sights, the celebrations, the desserts. Embrace them, for this is a very special Christmas indeed.

How to Respond

  • Stir up joy and hope and anticipation in your heart.
  • Declare that the Lord is moving, and He will establish a stronghold of righteousness in the land again.
  • Make time and space to sit with the Lord. Dwell with Him and ask Him to give you a glimpse of what is next.
  • Let your heart be glad. Don’t resist the anticipation and hope that is drawing you this season.
  • Determine to let go of past hurts and the disappointments of former seasons and holidays.
  • Choose to embrace the festivities and celebrations of this Christmas season.
  • Find new ways to celebrate Christmas with your family and friends this year.
  • Sing, rejoice and let your face shine with gladness and hope of this new season.


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